Apr 02, 2005 14:43
There playing that Love Actually song, I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes , and then feeling grows. hot....so Ive been reading alot of books lately, desperately trying to get away from the feeling that Brunnenburg is slipping away from me. I like it here much more than I thought I did, and springtime here is incredible. I makes Guilford look like a industrialized section of the garden state. ugh. i dont know how anyone can ever deal with not living in a castle on the side of the mountain. oh well. And then there that fact that school here is damned easy. the tests for Sizzio are annoying, but nothing unexpected. I guess that i should do some work and such. but im registered for classes
Intro to Classics of Political Thought
Comparative Politics
Play Production.
I wish I didnt have to take the 3 non-IDS-classes in order to complete my major and concentrations. BTW, Im a theatre concentration. mostly accidentally actually. All i need is a one credit practicum and a design/tech class.
IDS: Culture, Conflict and Negotation. Vernie Davis...Whats this class like? Is Vernie a good teacher. I might be able to wait or take a spring IDS, but I want to write my thesis that semester. I think that I might swap around these classes once I get to Guilford...maybe take some premed classes this semester and swap one of these to spring semester to balance out my load when I write my thesis.