First, thank you for all the birthday greetings and wishes&hearts! It's been a really fantastic day&hearts
And Zan! I got your package today &hearts! Incredible timing!!
So, birthdays at our place tend to be all day affairs--we hide presents around the house in evil ways and then cackle as the other person haplessly looks right at them and somehow misses them. I got a nice handicap this year, since the Boy wrapped them in Arashi-colored tissue paper and made sure some of the paper was peeking. Depsite this, I still had trouble with a few. Then there was food! And then more food.
Hee! I got Arashi-themed flowers! Though the Boy apologized that he couldn't get a true blue in there . . .
There was much enabling re: nail polishes&hearts
Nfu Oh is probably my favorite brand of nail polish! their holos and flakies are outstanding, and I love their jelly syrup line for jelly sandwiches!
And the bottles&hearts Just look at them!
Each one of these was individually wrapped and hidden, and there was a rule that I couldn't put any previously found presents down while hunting. Juggling 10 nail polishes while rummaging through the house looking for presents is a bit tricky.
These guys were also hidden about the house--the bat's wings zip up like a parka&hearts SO MUCH CUTENESS.
Did I mention the enabling?
One present I can wear to class . . .
. . . and one decidedly
*not* for class ^^;
Then we made birthday takoyaki!
Arashi candles!
So, about those candles. Let's just say that they're very pretty with their colored flames and all but they taste terrible, which is what I get for not using the little candle spikes. Lesson learned.
And then there was ice cream and sorbet \o/
In case you can't read that, they're Salty Caramel, Browned Butter Almond Brittle, and Riesling-Poached Pear Sorbet.
All of them are amazing, but the Almond Brittle and Pear flavors were really outstanding ^_^v They're pricey, which is why I saved them for birthday festivities, but damn. TASTY AND DELICIOUS.
So to round off the day and my theme of things that make me really really happy, I give you pics of our kitteh greeting us by jumping on our car&hearts
Almost every time we park the car and she's outside, she likes to jump up on the windshield and greet us and then lurk on the roof of the car next to the driver's side door to greet us when we get out.
Sometimes she'll play hide and seek on the roof and dart up and down the windshield.
And then, she just hangs out on the roof of the car, or follows us inside, if she's feeling particularly sociable.
Seriously, we totally won the stray cat lottery&hearts. We're so lucky she decided to be our furry overlord&hearts
So, all in all, a fantastic birthday! I hope all of you are well and having a lovely evening!
OH. Process shot of my birthday nails:
Kleancolor Blind Date (multicolor and holographic star-shaped confetti glitter) and NK Magical( iridescent glitter) over Revlon Royal.
Then I topped it with my brand new Nfu Oh 119 and 2 coats of Seche Vite topcoat!
A better detail shot of the stars, though the blue really glowed and showed them off more outside (yet I didn't take a picture there?):
Tomorrow: Most likely glittery green nails for Aiba! Sir Gawain and the Green Knight!
And though I didn't eat actual cake today, the Boy has promised that we can tempura some strawberry shortcake over the weekend \o/