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My AAA 2008 disc came in the mail today \o/
And I come bearing a picspam of the Kokuritsu con . . . because you aren't already tired of the subject ^^"
There is an utterly unreasonable number of caps behind this cut. I recommend you click and then get a snack and come back ^^; )
I'm telling you, I look at Aiba's outfit and all I can think of is Punky Brewster. *__* and I think he stole the little cat toy balls from Nino's Iza outfit (ghei Rainbow Tribe) and strung them into a wallet chain *___* I don't even know.
I actually liked Ohno's solo, even if it wasn't as . . . flashy as most of his others. The clothes were unfortunate. But that's fine. He has his share of better solo clothes; this was inevitable, you know? Yes to the touching self thing ^_^
I'm very happy with the Re(mark)able choreography, though I also wondered about why they cut the Jun kick the way they did. You see it on the side and then from a distance as he lands. Not sure why. It's not like he fell or something.
If I were in that audience, and the norm had been for the boys to spread out all over the stadium, and then suddenly all five of them came skipping down the runway toward me... Well, I don't know, but there would be some kind of involuntary bodily response.
Definitely ^_^
I actually loved Jun's solo outfit. While the crack is always awesomely hilarious, I thought this actually worked much better as a concept for that song. And the song actually sounded much better and his tongue was in check and . . . seriously, I was very happy with it.
And Jun was just . . . happy and healthy looking in this concert. I really thought he looked and sounded much better than usual.
And Sho's solo was adorable and he was cute and yes, school-boy _ ridiculous rhinestones and couch-furniture jacket = &hearts
But I am still mourning the loss of Gimmick Game, even if I do actually really like Niji.
I am so sleeping in tomorrow :P
Jun did look and seem to feel good here. Even shirtless, he didn't have such prominent ribs (actually, they're hardly visible at all when his arms are down like normal). And the leather jacket and jeans should long ago have been the first choice for the rock solo. No Idea why there was all that magenta and glitter in the other two outfits. I actually was able to enjoy the song this time through, since my ears weren't obstructed by the way my shoulders usually creep up to cover them as my epic cringe gets more and more pronounced.
Maybe he and Ohno dressed each other this time, so that Jun looked good and Ohno was questionable.
I'm still trying to decide on the finger-sucking. The tongue is obnoxious in its frequency, but the finger-sucking is so ... prolonged?
Remarkable -- the screaming from the fans was amazing. You could barely hear the relatively heavy guitar in the intro bars. Frenzy. And fire. Brought to you by the God of Fire, yo.
And skipping! I want to watch it again. I was walking this afternoon, and Step and Go came on, and my walk just naturally turned into skipping at the rap. I am the biggest dork. But surely it's okay for a grown woman to skip down the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood while twirling her umbrella. Surely.
Sho does have a railing on that thing, by the way. It's just so low (around knee height) as to be completely not a safety feature.
It seems to me that a lot of the costumes in this concert used to be normal clothes once. Like the opening number black-white-chartreuse things, or the Remarkable things. Once regular clothes anyone might wear, if anyone was into black and white plaid. But the JE couturiers got a deal on several bolts of brightly colored organza, and went to town with floofies and sequins and glue guns.
This version of tell me what you wanna be actually sounds better, seriously. I don't know if he had some more training or something just clicked or if the later production cleaned lots up or what. But it's definitely better.
The finger-sucking didn't bother me. A more than fair trade for the tongue thing which really skeeved me.
We know Jun knows how to dress himself . . . now if he would just remember how much better this looked.
Skipping&hearts I agree! The world needs more skipping, choreographed or impromptu. ^_^
Dude, I see the . . . railing, such as it is. I have action figures with more support in their stands :P If he actually lost balance, they'd be useless.
Yes, these clothes look like street clothes attacked by evil glue guns and mad bargain-bin crafters :P
Bed for me.
Poor Sho. I actually had to stop the video and rewind to see if that was really him in/on that thing. I suppose the one merit there is that it's stationary, as opposed to the mobile cranes everyone else is riding.
Sleep is a good thing. Why am I still awake, when I only had about 3.5 hours of sleep last night? I had a visitation from Tim after getting in from the date, since my answer to his 'how was it?' text message let him know I was awake. He was very sad over his ex-girfriend, set off by some sappy movie he had seen with other friends (who were all in couples, just to remind him of his sad-and-loneliness). So he came over and cried on my couch for an hour and a half while I felt awkward and impotent. Poor fella. Ultimately, he's still sad, and I had to get up at 7 for work. Yet still awake now at 1 am? How do I do it?
And I hate that awkward impotent feeling>_< Is he the one who plays board games? I know, I suck; I'm so awful at names and worse if I don't know the person ^^"
Sleep was a good thing ^_^
It really was him. for me, the part that looked awful was when they were actually telescoping it up . . . once up there, he could just look across ^^"
I didn't really doubt that it was Sho, just sort of did a double-take, since it seemed pretty unlikely he'd be the one getting elevated like that (so often they just let him stay on stage while the others are in cranes -- though he did say something in an interview about Jun threatening him in some way [though maybe just suggesting that it would be embarassing to be the only one not doing whatever aerialist stunts -- but I think that was about the DAL dangling-from-the-rafters thing]). The telescoping action did look a bit shaky...
Re: missing Aiba -- I also wibbled a bit. I liked the way the staging there emphasized Aiba's importance to the group: the empty chair really making us notice his absence in a way we might not if the four were all moving around, and then the ta-da sort of triumphant entrance just in time for his verse. Like, ah, now they are complete! Very nicely handled.
Feeling better today?
Poor Sho ^^" Watch them all when they walk to their stations. ^^" But yes, not a lot of fun. I'm assuming they didn't put him in the cranes so he wouldn't have to lean over and look down, but still . . .
I think the Aiba thing got me because it made me think of the missing-man formation and . . . >_< Don't even know what's wrong with me right now. :P But yes, it totally highlighted that he was missing and then his entrance made me feel so much better. Have you watched the first disc? I was right about the custom chartreuse Nikes \o/ I thought I saw a rhinestone swoosh. Someday, I swear a footwear post. Someday.
Sad for Tim. That really sucks >_< I'm glad you're there for him, though. And that you have a boardgame buddy ^_^ They are very important, you know.
The new better (bigger files) avi files of the concert that came out yesterday will actually convert right to mp4s \o/ The first set wouldn't convert with picture or import to iTunes, so I am now very happy ^_^
I think I am now done for a while . . . *waves*
Yeah, I also keep meaning to rewatch. Just did the backstage bit very slowly and with lots of rewinds. I'm still deciding whether they're real Nikes or whether JE just made a swoosh. But of course they're custom -- they're such an awful color that they couldn't possibly be marketable. ^_^
I was going to grade today, but I am incapable of working in my house, and it's raining and really windy so I don't want to go out in it. Of course, my back door blew right open, so I got to experience some of the lovely weather in my kitchen anyway.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't have seen them, but they're getting locked in a week, so I would go sooner rather than later ^_^ I don't think it was locked.
I'm guess ing they're real--Nike might be kind of pissed otherwise, and I don't see that flying. They wouldn't focus on it that much otherwise.
I just called in sick, since I seem to be relapsing :P lame. Sooooo . . . I think I will watch some more concert . . .
Well, if you're sick you definitely deserve to sit around and enjoy boybandery.
Though I'm watching the actual dvd right now and well I feel llike I can count sequins ^^" Yay for the big tv \o/
Dude. I feel terrible O__o
couch and Arashi for me. Maybe some tea . . . maybe not.
I have apparently lost 4 pounds since Friday ;/
Normally, I would consider that a good thing . . . yeah . . .
I don't think it should ever be considered a good thing to lose four pounds in two days, regardless of whether you want to lose a little weight or not. And why the hell are you doing the Wii when you're miserable anyway? Lie down and slather yourself in boyband!
I cancelled class. And I didn't work out, just dide the body test so it doesn't get cranky with me tomorrow. I am almost to the slip 'n' slide moments \o/ But having trouble staying awake.
Had pizza for dinner, so I will be greeting those 4 pounds again soon enough anyway ^^"
a little more boyband, and then bed for sure. I'm using the new computer hooked up to the tv and the old mac for lj right now. There may be something wrong with me ^^"
Good nigh to/
Cancelling class is awesome. I wish I could do that. But I guess I will be showing a movie both days the week after next, so it will be almost the same thing. I should probably acquire said movie (The Sheik, with Valentino).
I wish I weren't so prone to sleeping in on weekends; it makes me not go to bed early enough to wake up rested on Monday.
Technology s awesome \o/ It gives me more and more exciting and elaborate ways to procrastinate.
Being awake sucks >_<; I think I will drop another concert onto my computer, set it up, and go back to sleep.
So this week, before leaving for the baby shower, I need to make about 16 more striped squares, tuck in all the ends, and sew them together. And also grade 10 papers, an undetermined number of homeworks to come in tomorrow, and try to revise my messy chapter. All by Friday morning. It's really too bad I have no discipline, yo.
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