First thing's first: Birthday celebrations!!
Happy birthday, Sho! And a belated Happy Birthday to
tiny_hydrus! I love that your birthday overlaps for a few hours with Sho's!! Thank you for fangirling and flailing with me&hearts
OK, so many of you already know about my love/hate relationship with my WiiFit. I believe that we can lay the blame for the "love" part of that relationship squarely on the Boy, who when he got me the Wii for my birthday, had a brilliant idea to motivate me to actually use it: Make me associate it with Arashi.
So he populated my Wii with Arashi Miis. Now little Arashi avatars mingle with the Boy and I.
. . . now I have a reason to work out every day&hearts
A few disclaimers. The Mii options aren't that varied, so the Boy and I did the best we could with what we have. On the other hand, if you have any suggestions for improvements on our Miis, I'd love to hear them&hearts All in the cause of fitness, of course ^_~
Anyway, here are the basic portraits of the boys, with some variations to cover their various incarnations:
First off: the birthday boy! (It's still his birthday here. Shush.)
Here's his sort of general look. I made him *jawdrop* because . . . I don't know; it seemed appropriate.
A more NewsZero-style haircut ^_^
Iza, Now-era reddish hair&hearts
After Sho, we have a little Aiba, walking around the Wii Plaza and then being abused:
. . . Sometimes I like to abuse Jun, too. Because I can, without repercussions.
And because it's his birthday . . . I will abuse Sho, too. ^^"
I do not abuse Nino's Mii, though. Somehow, it seems more dangerous, like he'd know.
. . . Okay, I lied. I abuse Nino's too. Please don't tell him ^^"
Notice how the other Miis' eyes follow the one you've grabbed?
I . . . kind of love Nintendo for this&hearts
. . .
Anyway. Aiba.
Sadly, none of the Mii hairstyles really captures the miracle that is Aiba's hair. This is about as good as I got.
I also have an approximation of the permed look, but I'm not that happy with it:
Jun . . . so many hairstyles, but I generally settle with this one; it's Boy's original, and, I think, the best choice.
This a good choice neither on the Wii, or in real life. I am so glad he's finally ditched that style ^^"
. . . sadly, there was no style with bangs low enough to really approximate that cut. I guess Nintendo has more sense than that. A pity some other people didn't. At least not soon enough.
I can't decide really if I think Jun's or Ohno's came out the best. But I think it may have been Ohno's&hearts
I tried a Naruse version (shut up), by changing the hair and shirt and giving him a little smirk, but the Nintendo doesn't offer a soulless blank stare of of despair and rage, so it didn't really come out at all.
Nino's . . . hmmm. He's kind of frowny, but I think that's because he was cranky on the G no Arashi I saw the day I last fiddled with him . . . I went with the super-short hair he had for a while after Letters from Iwo Jima. It's not my favorite cut for him, but . . . None of the other available cuts quite worked.
It . . . kind of looks like a mug shot. I don't know.
Now Flange, I can imagine you saying, That's great and all, but I don't really see this as motivating you to work out. But you see, this is where the brilliant evilness comes in. Because when you use the WiiFit Aerobic and Balance exercises/games, they populate the other characters from your Mii library.
So , when I'm jogging, I pass and meet up with little Arashi Miis ^_^ Sadly, these pictures won't be all that clear, because running with a digital camera while trying to take pictures of the screen isn't as easy as you think it might be. And we aren't going to talk about how I did the Island lap twice plus a 30 minute free run today and these were the best pictures I could get, either :P
This is just me running through a tunnel.
But here, I'm catching up with Aiba . . . you can tell by the hair and green shirt . . .
And there's Sho, up ahead of me . . .
And Ohno on the track, and then celebrating the fact that I am apparently a "Calorie Incinerator."
In addition to running, the Miis also like to play soccer. And by "play soccer," I mean "kick soccer balls, panda bear heads and shoes at my head." I attribute the panda heads to Aiba, btw, and the shoes to Nino and Jun. Anyway.
Some action shots.
Ball on the left, panda head on the right. You get points for one and points deducted for the other.
You can't tell in this shot, but Nino just hucked that cleated shoe directly at my head. That's what I call characterization. ^^"
. . . and it wouldn't be Arashi if they didn't dance, right?
Also, there is a balance game, where you move appropriately colored balls with the Miis' faces around by shifting your balance and making them drop into holes. I anthropomorphize all of them. The Boy laughs. But I've gotten really good at the game now ^^"
When you beat the marble game, all the marbles return to their human shapes. Here, Aiba celebrates my victory, while, behind him, Nino looks less pleased.
So, some of you who follow my journal or who have run into my comments on other sites already know that I anthropomorphize my Wii beyond all logic. I firmly believe that it is passive-aggressive, and I'm coming to think that it may be psychic. No, really.
For one thing, when the Miis all line up, OhMiya regularly hang out together.
Also, the first time I ran the Island lap, I was catching up to Sho and, I swear on my honor, he tripped and fell right in front of me. ^_^" Today, Aiba did the same thing. Sadly, I couldn't get the picture in time, and ran right past him T___T
I may have to get the Boy to run for me when he gets home so I can try to get better pictures. But I think this will do for now ^_^
In other news, I'm returning with
bitterbee to my former stomping grounds (NJ/NYC) in two weeks to see friends, eat food I've been craving in my homesickness and (duh ^^") to see the premier of Yatterman and (hopefully) Sho, though as you know, that whole situation is 'in flux.' ^^" It should be a lot of fun ^_^ And I've been craving gomadare udon something fierce, so hopefully, I will find a way to go to Mitsuwa&hearts I am steadfastly ignoring all the work I should be doing instead.
Also, I finally gave in to the K-HYD and it is eating my soul alive . . . which is to say I love it&hearts Jan Di is completely awesome and badass! \o/
And I may be a terrible person, but in the second episode, was I the only one thinking this?
image scanned by supia.
Am I crazy, as well as terrible? Somebody please tell me I'm not imagining this ^^"
Anyway, much love and hugs to my f-list&hearts I'm not dead, just . . . buried ^^"