lockability + me + JE insanity = PicWar!
Um . . . we're at #13 . . .
7, and
8 ,
11, and
Just in time for Thanksgiving A reference to the last volley:
Jumping off the theme of recreational ethnicity in JE, even just in Arashi, there are so many choices: The Matadors of love, Jedi elegance (shush-I can claim Jedi is an ethnicity), or about 17 flavors of American Pride . . .
But for sheer ballsy cultural imperialism and costume hilarity, really only one option makes sense:
It’s Ghei Rainbow Tribe!
The reason Ohno looks so uncomfortable here
. . . is that he tried to tell them that this was a bad idea.
Sho also registered a veto, but to no avail.
Even Aiba was against it.
But let’s face it; when Nino and Jun agree on something . . . it’s well-nigh inevitable . . .
Because, seriously, it’s not every day you get to go to work and be worshipped . . . oh wait, they’re idols-- And Arashi. I guess this is a little redundant. But here, it’s not just fangirls, but Juniors who do the honors:
No, really. Arashi stand in a circle while Juniors bow to them and then a pedestal raises up with them on it, while the Juniors continue to pay their respects. In the background, a nondenominationally "Exotic" sun is lit up behind Arashi. I am not making this up. It would embarrass me to.
. . .
Anyway, to the details, because those are what really make this costume:
Predominantly yellow and purple cotton (comfy!), with various prints which say “pan-ethnic”
Various patterns, like . . . fruits
Stringed instruments . . . wait; is that a fan? I don't know. Whatever ^^"
Geometric "exotic" patterns
Animal prints (sort of . . . also, sort of paisley-inside-a-circle . . . idek)
People prints . . . with donkeys? Burros? and Spanish?
Also, bare feet&hearts WHY do I find that so adorable/hot??
This is not a concept design that is afraid of using multiple contrasting patterns.
. . . or dangly bits of ribbon or cloth.
. . . or coins.
. . . or fringe
. . . or . . . dangly sex cat toys?
(does that make Aiba and Jun the cats?)
Or judicious baring of skin
Or flippy braided ropes
. . . or Pom Poms (left shoulder)
. . . or liberal use of the rainbow motif:
. . . or random combinations of the above:
I know it’s not quite right, but this cap reminded me of “Red Rover.” I kind of miss games like that . . . and I would totally play “Red Rover” with Arashi&hearts
Random barrage of pics:
It’s Goldilocks!Nino ^_^
This looks like the kind of office party I want to be invited to
And . . . fanservice&hearts
Hee! Starring Sakuraiba . . . and Aiba’s hair, of course&hearts
. . . If you’ve ever wondered why Aiba is so damned happy all the time between the above and this . . . I have an idea . . .
At first, I was worried that this costume wasn't flashy enough . . . but the longer I look at it . . . it just keeps getting better. And by better, I mean worse. Or was that better? I . . . can't tell any more. ^_^"
Anyway, I kind of got carried away with caps . . . And I still didn't use a bunch of them, so be thankful ^_^"
I missed picwars! This one was a lot of fun, and I needed the pick-me-up. It's been a kind of horrible week >_< I was sick and missed work on Monday, still sick but working on Tuesday, played catchup on Wednesday and then I got mugged(?!) about a block and a half from home while walking home from work this Thursday >_<" and while I'm fine, I'm still really sore . . . so I may have gone overboard in part since I'm not really leaving the couch . . . ^^" And On Friday I got a stack of 43 papers to grade *_*"
. . . In happier news, I'm about a third of the way through the stack of grading, there are only 3 weeks left in the semester, and the upside of being stiff and sore is that I can fairly legitimately avoid housework. Also, lots of hot chocolate&hearts and boybandery&hearts
So I think that's about it here ^_^
Virtual cookies to all of you who made it this far&hearts