I think I am going to start putting links to any cool free downloads that I come across on this 'net thingy.
Stero Total - L'amour a 3Stero Total - Cestla Mort- this band is incredible. It will make you get down. Trust me and downoad it now.
The New Pornographers - Twin CinemaThe New Pornographers - Use it-Here are two great tracks from the Newpornographer's new album. Great for summer.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Home on IceClap Your Hands Say Yeah - Upon This Tidal Wave Of Young BloodClap Your Hands Say Yeah - Lost and Found (over and over again)-This band has become one of my favorties.
I guess that is enough for right now, I will have more later. Maybe I will make this a weekly thing.
edit: oh yeah, I can't forget this song
Stereo Total - I am Naked.
edit again: Here's one more
Annie - My heatbeat-This song is also very summery (you have to download it to disk and then change the file name to ANNIEMy.mp3 for some strange reason)