Walk towards your dream [2/5]

Dec 18, 2011 01:10

Title: Walk towards your dream
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,497
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: mild swearing
Summary: Mike sleepwalks to Harvey’s apartment.
Author’s note: Originally written for suits_meme. The prompt was ‘Mike sleepwalks; sometimes for miles. Especially when his dreams provide a clear destination… like Harvey's apartment.’

Awkwardness ensued as Harvey drove Mike to the nearest hospital. Mike would have normally been busy telling Harvey that he really felt okay, that it was a waste of time and money to go see a doctor for a simple bruise. But he had been quiet throughout the ride which made Harvey suspect even more that his concussion theory must be correct.

Mike wanted to talk about the kiss but it was just too awkward. He liked it but wasn’t sure if he wanted it again because it had felt like handing over a piece of himself to Harvey that he would never get back. Harvey wanted to talk about the kiss too but his main priority was to get the boy’s head checked. Besides, he was quite certain that the kiss had only happened because Mike had a concussion.

A couple of hours later, Harvey and Mike were able to get the test results. Harvey was glad that he could call in some favors to speed up the process. “He’s fine, Mr. Specter. Nothing’s wrong with him other than the fact that he sleepwalks.”

“Are you sure?” Harvey was surprised and relieved at the same time. The kiss wasn’t a result of a concussion then?

“Yes, nothing to worry about.” The doctor smiled reassuringly.

“Thank you, doctor.” Harvey could feel the ‘I told you so’ stare on the side of his face.

“But we do need to talk about his sleepwalking habits.”

“Of course. Mike, why don’t you tell the doctor what you told me?”

Mike nodded and explained when it had all started, how often he experienced it, and what he usually saw in those dreams. He also talked about his meetings with other doctors as a child.

“I see. Well, it doesn’t require any particular treatment. But it’s very important to get quality sleep and to sleep in a safe environment.”

It was Harvey’s turn to give Mike the ‘I told you so’ stare.

But Mike wasn’t going to give in that easily. “Doctor, by a ‘safe environment’, you don’t mean a ‘safe neighborhood’, right?”

“I mean that you should fall asleep somewhere you feel safe. It often helps when you have someone you trust in the house.”

Mike smiled smugly at Harvey. Hopefully he would drop the whole moving issue now.

“He lives alone.” Harvey told the doctor.

“I’ll be fine.”

“Maybe you can sleep at my place on Fridays. For safety measures.” Harvey offered.

“Harvey, just because I sleepwalked last Friday and this Friday, doesn’t mean I’ll sleepwalk every Friday. And, really, I don’t need your help.”

Harvey shrugged. “It’s worth a try. Plus, it’s not like you have someone else to help you out. What do you think, doctor?”

The doctor eyed the two. “Didn’t you say you were his boss? I’m not sure if my patient will feel safe and relaxed, sleeping at his boss’ place.”

Mike chuckled at the disapproving look on Harvey’s face.

“Yes, I’m his boss but we’re good friends as well.” Harvey explained.

“Yeah, friends who kiss.” Mike added, just to see the doctor look at Harvey as if he was taking advantage of his subordinate.

“Well, I’ll leave that matter to you two and just inform you that attending sleepwalker meetings have proved to be helpful.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting.” Mike’s eyes twinkled as he thought about making new friends with the same medical condition.

“Very well. Let me give you some information on that.” The doctor opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out several brochures. “I assume you only want those in New York City.”

“Yes.” Mike nodded and the doctor handed him the brochures.

“Wait. All of these are for New Yorkers?” Mike gasped. He had no idea that he had so many fellow sleepwalkers in the city.

“That’s just great. So many sleeping idiots on the streets.” Harvey grumbled and thanked the doctor before leaving the hospital with his associate.

“Where to?” Harvey asked as he fastened his seat belt.

“My place, please. I’m tired.” Mike yawned as he felt himself relax. He must have been more nervous at the hospital than he thought.

“Sure.” Harvey drove to Mike’s apartment, deciding that the talk about their kiss could wait.

Almost a week had passed and Mike never got a chance to talk about their kiss. For the rest of the weekend, he had tried to figure out how he exactly felt about his boss. He admired his boss in so many ways and wouldn’t mind going out with him, but he had no idea what Harvey felt about him and wasn’t sure if it was worth risking their friendship. If the kiss was anything to go by, Harvey had kissed him back but it had ended all too quickly because he himself had pulled back -he hadn’t been able to handle the heat anymore- and Harvey had made no effort to pull him back into the kiss.

Still, he had meant to talk about the kiss on Monday morning, but he found himself acting around Harvey as if nothing had happened. It was now Friday morning and Mike feared that the opportunity to talk was gone.

Mike heard the footsteps of a woman in high heels headed his way as he sat in his cubicle, wondering what tonight’s sleepover was going to be like.

“Hey, you left your phone in my office.” Rachel smiled.

“Oh, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Rachel put the cell phone on his desk and spotted a bag inside the cubicle that was not a messenger bag.

“A second bag and it’s still not a briefcase? Harvey’s going to be disappointed.”

“Actually, I think he’ll approve of this one. He wants me to have a sleepover at his place every Friday just because I sleepwalked on two Fridays.” Mike explained.

“Aww, that sounds like he cares about you.” Rachel smiled.

“I know!” Mike mirrored her smile.

“Are you excited? One doesn’t often get a chance to have a slumber party with one’s hot boss.” She teased.

“We’re not teenage girls, Rachel.”

“Oh, so you don’t admit that it’s a slumber party but you admit that Harvey’s hot?”

“Who wouldn’t admit that? Of course Harvey’s hot. He’s the hottest guy I’ve ever known.” Mike answered honestly.

“Why, I’m flattered, Mike.”

Mike’s head snapped to his left. Harvey was standing there with a very smug look on his face.

‘Oh no. As if I needed any more awkwardness between us.’

He wished that Rachel wouldn’t leave him alone with Harvey, but that was exactly what she was doing right now.

“Uh… I was merely stating a fact. It wasn’t a personal opinion or anything…”

Harvey nodded, choosing not to torture Mike since he was supposed to be less stressed in order to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

“So that’s your sleepover bag?” He pointed at the gym bag. “It looks like you packed a lot of things. My place is fully equipped, you know.”

“Really? Your place has enough board games for a perfect sleepover?” Mike grinned.

“You want to play board games with me? Aren’t those for kids? You may be a kid but I’m a fully grown man, Mike.” Harvey teased.

“We’ll see who acts like a kid when he’s losing.”

“Oh, you think you can beat me?”

“I know I can beat you. I’m a master when it comes to nerdy board games!” Mike smiled proudly.

“Well, we’ll have to see about that.” Harvey smiled back and handed over several files. “Proofread these for me before we head home, will you?”

“Consider it done. Can we have pizza for dinner?” Mike asked, eyes shining like the morning star.

“Sure, why not. The goal for tonight is to make you relaxed and satisfied.”

Mike blushed as he cursed his dirty mind for interpreting Harvey’s words in a different way. Thankfully, Harvey had already turned around and was headed back to his office.

“Om nom nom, I don’t know what I used to eat before the world introduced me to potato pizzas.” Mike sighed happily with yet another slice in his hand.

Harvey laughed as he enjoyed his own slice. The sleepover was all about Mike but he was having a good time as well. They had come home together from work, and Harvey had taken a quick shower while Mike had ordered food and unpacked his bags.

“Shouldn’t you change into pajamas?” Harvey asked as he finished his salad.

“Yeah. When I’m done eating, I’ll go shower and change.” Mike answered. He had already discarded his jacket, tie, and shoes but he couldn’t wait to get more comfortable.

“Then we’re going to play board games?” Harvey glanced at the games that were sitting on one side of the coffee table.

“Yes. Since you’re big on exclusive possession, I was thinking we could start with Monopoly.”

“Why would you think that?” Harvey’s voice was full of amusement.

“Are you kidding me? Everyone in the office knows that! You don’t like sharing cases with other partners. You don’t like it when people touch your balls. You also don’t like sharing me with Louis. Should I go on?”

“Point taken.” Harvey chuckled and grabbed the box of Monopoly with the hand that wasn’t holding a fork. “’Monopoly, it is then.”

“Yes!” Mike threw his arms in the air, happy to have gotten his boss to play games with him. He was so going to rock Harvey’s socks off.

“If you’re done, I’ll clean up here so you can go take a shower. Feel free to use anything you need in the bathroom.” Harvey offered.

“Thanks. I brought my own towel though.” Mike got up and pulled out the things from his bag that he needed for a shower.

“Great. You can use the bathroom that’s inside my bedroom. It’s bigger. You can take a bath too if you want.”

“A shower will be fine. Thank you.” Mike gave Harvey a thankful smile and headed to the bedroom.

‘Why did I suggest that? The other bathroom is just fine.’ Harvey wondered as he started to clean up their dinner.

He shrugged and moved the empty plates to the sink but all he could think about was a naked Mike getting wet in his shower booth. ‘Okay… It’s definitely not the first time that another guy is in my shower so let’s not make a big deal out of it.’

Harvey had actually wanted to talk about their kiss on Monday but it seemed like Mike had already forgotten about it, so he had tried to push it out of his mind. But now that Mike was at his place again, the vivid memory of the kiss was coming back.

‘Didn’t he notice that I kissed him back? If he didn’t suffer a concussion, it means that he kissed me with a sane mind, right? Did he only kiss me because he owed me a kiss? But that’s not like him.’

Harvey sighed as he threw away the pizza box. He was an expert at reading people and he knew how to read Mike even better, but he had to be absolutely certain that Mike wanted him back because he had no intention of treating his associate like a one-night stand.

‘Well, there’s only one way to find out. I’ll have to kiss him again.’ Harvey concluded as he waited for Mike to come out.

“Oh, the water pressure is sweet and your shampoo smells great. I love lavender! Now I know why you always smell so nice, Harvey.” Mike smiled as he came out to the living room, drying his hair with a towel.

Much to Harvey’s surprise, Mike hadn’t changed into his pajamas yet. He had a relatively short towel wrapped around his waist and that was it.

“Harvey?” Mike wondered why his host was staring at him. “Oh, was it rude of me to come out in a towel?”

“No, not at all.” Harvey hoped that he hadn’t answered too quickly.

He tore his eyes off his guest and opened the box of Monopoly. “I want you to feel as if you’re at your own place, Mike. That’s the whole point of this sleepover, remember?”

Mike smiled brightly as he sat next to Harvey on the couch. “Thanks. The temperature’s just perfect here.”

“Good to know you feel that way.” Harvey nodded as he observed the creamy chest that was now well within his reach. Luckily for him, Mike was busy drying his hair with both hands, his eyes closed as he hummed softly.

‘How nice…’

But Harvey had to stop molesting his associate’s torso with his eyes when he noticed how carelessly Mike was drying his hair.

“Mike, stop.”

“Hmm?” Mike opened his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s how you usually dry your hair?”

“Uh, yes…? Doesn’t everyone dry his hair like this?” Mike couldn’t tell what was wrong with his method. It was just drying hair.

“Of course not. No wonder your hair always looks like a mess.” Harvey took the towel from Mike’s hand. “Sit on the carpet, will you? I’ll show you how it’s done.”

Mike found the idea of sitting between Harvey’s legs with only a towel around him extremely uncomfortable. “Uh, thanks but I think I’ll use a hairdryer then. I don’t want to trouble you.”

“You want another bruise on your forehead? I don’t trust you with a hairdryer.”

“What? You think I’ll hit myself with a hairdryer?” That was the silliest thing that Mike had heard in a while.

“Sit, Mike. A puppy’s supposed to sit when his owner tells him to.”

Mike growled a little as he sat down on the carpet in front of his boss. Of course Harvey would fuss over anything that was related to hair. As he felt Harvey’s hands gently work on him, he wondered how much time Harvey usually needed to dry his own hair.

‘He probably takes half an hour or something in the busy morning.’ He pouted but the pout didn’t last long as he realized that Harvey’s jean-clad knees kept brushing his bare shoulders.

‘Okay… No need to panic. He’s my mentor. He’s just teaching me how to dry my hair even when I’m not paying much attention. But hey, he does seem to know what he’s doing. Who knew Harvey had such a gentle side? Oh geez, this feels good… very…’

Mike thought that he might be able to fall asleep like this, thanks to the peaceful quietness. He felt safe around Harvey, and he had to chuckle at that feeling since he was only wearing a towel. Apparently, Harvey was a very comforting host.

“What was that for?” Harvey asked, momentarily distracted from enjoying the scent of his shampoo on his puppy’s hair.

“This is nice.” Mike looked up and smiled.

“Don’t get used to it. It’s a one-time lesson.”

“You don’t mean it.” Mike stuck out his tongue and Harvey had to resist the urge to pinch the kids’ cheek. His cheeks were still a little pink from the hot shower.

“I fully mean it.” Harvey said in a weak voice as he resumed drying.

“Not very convincing~” Mike said in a sing-song voice.

“Keep that up and you’ll have no fun in Monopoly.”

“Wooh, I’m terrified.”

“You’re a terrible actor.”

“The act was supposed to be terrible. Only great actors can do that.”

“Were you just acting when you kissed me then?”

Mike had frozen in front of him but Harvey didn’t regret asking. It was getting difficult to not look at Mike with some kind of a positive yet inappropriate feeling, so it would be best for both of them if they talked about their kiss as soon as possible.

“I didn’t mean to drop a bomb on you but I’d still like to hear the answer.” Harvey put down the towel next to him and kissed the top of Mike’s head. If Mike told him that the kiss hadn’t meant anything, then this would be the last kiss he would ever drop on him.

“No.” Mike’s answer was late but clear. “I wasn’t acting.”

Harvey was glad that Mike couldn’t see him grin like an idiot. “You weren’t?”

“No.” Mike turned around and faced Harvey. “I wanted to kiss you and I liked it.”

Harvey had to admire his associate’s courage for admitting it so easily. There was something incredibly sexy and endearing about Mike’s flat-out candor.

“Did you like it too?” Mike asked, resting his arms on Harvey’s thighs.

Harvey found himself reaching out and caressing Mike’s now pale cheek. He missed the flushed look already. “Yes, I did.”

He held out an inviting hand and felt pure delight when Mike didn’t hesitate to take it. He pulled Mike up to his lap and securely wrapped his arms around him. Mike was looking at him with a lazy smile on his face.

“You’re not nervous?”

“It’s just a kiss.”

“What if it’s not?” Harvey wanted to know how far Mike was willing to take things tonight.

“Hmm, then I’ll have to adjust my smile accordingly.”

Harvey laughed. “You do realize you just gave me an incentive to elicit all kinds of smiles from you.”

Mike put his arms around Harvey’s neck and smiled seductively. Now that Harvey had admitted that he wanted to kiss him, he felt more willing to do intimate things with him.

‘What about our friendship? Will we still be all right after another kiss?’ But Mike didn’t have time to worry as he felt Harvey hold him tighter and press his lips against his.

Harvey found it very convenient that Mike was wearing nothing on top. There was nothing to stop him from exploring the smooth plains that shook under his touch. He moved his hands along Mike’s back and sides, absolutely adoring the feel of Mike’s fair skin.

Harvey kept his eyes open to monitor Mike’s reaction as he deepened the kiss. The kid had his eyes shut and Harvey sighed with satisfaction when he noticed how Mike’s cheeks had turned pink again. Pink was a good color on him. Harvey couldn’t help but wonder how much prettier Mike would look if his whole body turned pink.

“Harvey!...” Mike broke the kiss as soon as he felt Harvey’s fingers dance near the top of his towel.

“Is there a problem?” Harvey’s lips proceeded to get acquainted with Mike’s neck while two of his fingers pushed past the towel, tickling Mike’s side.

Mike threw his head back, unable to sit still. He had a sensitive neck and he was ticklish. “Harvey!”

Harvey grinned mischievously as he decorated his puppy’s neck with love bites. Yes, pink definitely looked good on him.

“Oh Harvey…” It seemed like Harvey’s name was all Mike could say at the time.

Harvey noticed the change of tone in Mike’s voice. At first, Mike had been a little worried, and then startled, but now he was enjoying this and wanted more.

“Let’s take this inside.” Harvey tried to scoop up his associate when Mike pointed at the coffee table.

“But… what about Monopoly?”

Harvey laughed. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I think I’m already enjoying my own version of it.”

Mike blushed and hung onto Harvey’s neck as the host picked up his guest and headed to the bedroom.

‘How on earth did this happen…?’

Mike was resting alone in Harvey’s bed, under Harvey’s sheets, wearing Harvey’s marks all over his body. He laughed a little at how the day had turned out. In the morning, he had been busy trying to forget about the kiss, and even just a few hours ago all he had wanted was to play innocent Monopoly with Harvey, worried that their friendship might be ruined.

‘It’s the shampoo.’ He remembered. Wearing Harvey’s scent on his own hair had made him tingle with excitement. He hadn’t been sure about what he wanted even when he had walked out to the living room in a towel, but he had wanted to see what kind of effect he could have on Harvey and had decided to figure things out from there.

‘Does it really matter how or why it happened? I just had amazing sex with my amazing boss! Let’s enjoy the moment!’

Speaking of his boss, Mike saw Harvey return to the bedroom with as many cushions as he could manage. While he had been lying comfortably on the bed, Harvey had been busy preparing a sleepwalker-friendly environment. He had put away all the sharp objects in the room and was now putting cushions on the bottom of the glass walls so that he wouldn’t hurt his foot if he ever decided to kick the walls while sleepwalking.

“What if I punch the glass? Or bang my head against it?”

“That’s what you want to ask me after getting your mind blown?” Harvey didn’t look at him. He was busy positioning the cushions strategically.

“Well, then can we go for round two?” Mike asked without thinking and was surprised at his own question.

“Horny puppy.” Harvey muttered under his breath and Mike realized that Harvey calling him ‘puppy’ in a low voice had an arousing effect on him.

“Is that a yes?”

Harvey looked at Mike who was wrapped in thin sheets. He could tell that the kid was starting to get excited. “No, Mike. You’re going to sleep now.”

“But tomorrow’s a Saturday! And, don’t you think it’ll be better for both of us if I get too tired to walk around? You could make my knees go all weak.”

Mike could see lust rise in Harvey’s eyes. It was time to press harder. “Didn’t you say that the goal for tonight was to make me relaxed and… satisfied?”

Harvey raised an eyebrow. “Are you implying that it wasn’t satisfying earlier?”

Mike laughed. “I didn’t say that. I just think the host could provide some more, that’s all.”

“What kind of a guest are you?”

“A needy one?”

Mike let his left leg slip out from under the sheets. He knew that he had gorgeous legs; everyone had told him so. So he wasn’t surprised when he saw Harvey sweep his leg with appreciative eyes but he was definitely proud and happy.

Harvey took a moment to admire the love bites on the long, lean leg before he weighed his options. Normally he would have already dived back in bed, taking everything Mike was willing to offer, but he was supposed to be the mature one here. Tonight was about preventing Mike from sleepwalking and not about getting his greedy hands on him. “Listen to me. You’re going to sleep prettily or I’m going to lock you in here until you fall asleep. Are we clear?”

It was the most mature thing that he had done in the entire year.

“Wow, see? Exclusive possession! You tied me to your bed last week, and now you want to lock me up in your bedroom! Wooh, very kinky, Harvey!” Mike giggled.

Harvey wanted to point out that Mike had no idea what kinds of kinks he had but he didn’t want to encourage his associate. “Shut up and sleep, kid. That’s what you’re here for.”

“Round two in the morning then?” Mike asked with hope in his eyes. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted Harvey, now that he had got a taste of him.

“If you be a good boy and don’t sleepwalk tonight, I’ll think about it.”

Mike shook his head in disbelief. “You have too much self-restraint for your own good, Harvey.”

“You’ll thank me in the morning when you realize that you slept well because I hadn’t caused you any physical or mental stress.”

Harvey finished Mikeproofing the room and wondered if he should barricade the door like last week.

‘But what if he wakes up and gets thirsty or hungry?’

Harvey pondered for a moment before heading out to the kitchen and returning with a glass of water and a bowl of fruit. He put them down on the nightstand that was on Mike’s side of the bed and barricaded the door with the chest of drawers. Then he turned off the lights and slipped under the covers, making sure that Mike was well tucked in. He had expected Mike to turn away from him, all pouty, so he was pleasantly surprised when the kid snuggled up to him, all giggly.

“What are you giggling about?” He asked, ruffling the soft, blond hair. He had dried it well.

“You care about me so much that you’re putting my well-being ahead of your needs. That’s admirable.” Mike smiled into Harvey’s shoulder.

“Whatever you say, Mike.” Harvey closed his eyes. He was tired after holding himself back from Mike’s advances. He was glad that he was wearing T-shirt and sweatpants unlike Mike who had insisted to sleep in his birthday suit, claiming that the room temperature was perfect.

“You don’t think that’s the case?” Mike lifted his head and admired how the moonlight accentuated the elegance of Harvey’s face.


“What man wouldn’t want to have me twice in one night? You’ve already seen me, heard me, and felt me when I…”

Harvey shut him up with a kiss and pulled back before Mike got a chance to prolong it. “Now sleep. That was a goodnight kiss.”

“Fiiine. Good night, Harvey.”

“Good night, Mike.”

Mike finally closed his eyes and let out a long yawn. Harvey was warm, and warm things usually made him feel drowsy.

Harvey let out a sigh of relief as Mike seemed to have stopped talking. Mike could never know that his voice itself was a powerful seducing tool.

‘This is exactly why I didn’t want an associate.’ Harvey blamed Jessica even though he knew that she had never told him to pick someone that he would fall for after sleeping with him once.

‘But she specifically told me to find her another me. Of course I was going to fall for another me! I’m extremely hot!’


Mike made a small sound and Harvey immediately looked down. He waited to see if Mike was going to get up and start walking but after several minutes, he remained safely asleep in his arms.

‘Let’s make sure that there are absolutely no ways out of this room. I can’t have him wander onto the streets buck naked and run into a kinky, old man.’

Harvey checked the possible exits with his eyes and was relieved that every one of them was covered.

‘Ah, all the things I do for you…’

He checked on Mike one last time and found the boy looking wondrously beautiful under the moonlight.

‘I suppose a short kiss won’t wake you up.’

Harvey pressed a soft kiss on the gleaming forehead, feeling the moonlight on his lips.

“Good night, dreamy boy.” He whispered as he closed his eyes and tightened his embrace. He had a feeling that he was going to enjoy a peaceful sleep.

suits slash, walk towards your dream

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