Title: Hotel Ferrero
Pairings: Ferrero/Safin, Federer/Moya, Djokovic/Roddick, A.Murray/Henman
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Vampires, mentions of blood.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and this is a fiction.
Summary: Carlos and Novak go home with an Olympic medal while Marat wants to talk to Juan Carlos after unbearable days.
Chapter 42: Born again )
I agree. Let's pretend that it's 3 weeks earlier XD I'm so sorry for the late reply! I'll try to set a better rhythm for my comments/replies this year :)
Aww, the wet couple looks so adorable in your drawing XD I can't believe I risked Roger's body like that (I mean, seriously, pulling someone out of a window T_T) but I guess he was in good enough hands :D
Another round of awww is needed because of those cute boys, fighting with their hands. Ahhahaha, they look adorable. I always enjoy writing Mandy/Nole; either as best friends, either as a couple. It's nice :) You drew their faces so well, and Mandy trying to punch while Nole's defending with such a huge smile on is face is so lovely <3
Wow. You captured Marat and Juanki's emotions so well in the next HSP. Seriously, wow! Marat looks quite annoyed at the whole situation while Juanki has become so small, all guilty and sad. This can't be called a "HSP" anymore. It's so sad T_T Boohoohoo...
Talking about Marat thinking about stuff, well, he's quite old, so I guess he should really know when to punch stuff and when to think :) Ah, little, furious Marat has all grown up XD The face when he's staring out the window was really touching. I'm sure he did a lot of thinking until he got a headache XD
Of course, I had to talk about that home movie collection again. How could I not? XD I'd want a copy of it, no matter what. It's just too tempting! Anyway, on a more innocent note, I adored your words and drawings yet again. No surprise there, haha. Thank you *superhugs*
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