Title: Hotel Ferrero
Pairings: Ferrero/Safin, Federer/Moya, Djokovic/Roddick, A.Murray/Henman
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Vampires, mentions of blood.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and this is a fiction.
Summary: Carlos and Novak go home with an Olympic medal while Marat wants to talk to Juan Carlos after unbearable days.
Chapter 42: Born again )
Aww, thank you, Gordie. Your words are always so encouraging :D *superhugs*
Ah, I really enjoy writing Roger/Carlos in here. Since I don't have any kind of OTP with Roger (I don't know. He's just too perfect just by himself XD), I had a hard time trying to find the right one for him, but I'm glad that in the end, I had so much fun writing them together :D
Yep, I love writing about my characters teasing each other XD Come on, it won't be any fun if Nole didn't tease Mandy there XDD And, I'm so glad to hear that you like reading about Randy/Nole. I wanted to write them so much better but alas, the story is almost at its end :(
Aww, so you've been a good girl :D *gives Jolly rancher candies XD* It was hard for me to write Marat/Juan Carlos in here and oh boy, I really suffered XD So it's more than rewarding to read such kind words from one of my favorite authors in this fandom :) Thank you so much. Your words mean a world to me and I mean it.
I'm happy to tell you that for once, the next chapter is up, hehe. I'm desperate to finish the story this week so I'll have some time to rest next week. Thank you for dropping by and leaving me such a heartwarming comment :)
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