Title: Hotel Ferrero
Pairings: Ferrero/Safin, Federer/Moya, Djokovic/Roddick, A.Murray/Henman
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Vampires, mentions of blood.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and this is a fiction.
Summary: Carlos and Novak go home with an Olympic medal while Marat wants to talk to Juan Carlos after unbearable days.
Chapter 42: Born again )
That's why I hate you that I loved it of course!!
Roger and Carlos are of course the cutest couple in the world...I almost died when Carlos pulled Roger out of the window...I hope it was a bottom storey one!! Aww kissing in the rain is so romantic, no matter how cliched XD I'm happy it looks like all is going to work out for them with Roger's parents! And yay gold for Carlos!
Aww it was so sweet that Andy flew out to meet Nole. It shows that he really is a great friend, not turning away from something that could hurt him and bring back painful memories to be there for his friend. ehehe it seems like things are going well with Tim too which is nice!!
But I feel I must point something out:
I always thought that Brits weren’t great kissers.
I always thought that Brits weren’t great kissers.
I always thought that Brits weren’t great kissers.
EXCUSE ME???? WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS VICIOUS RUMOUR?? I'm glad Andy tried to punch Nole - such ideas need to be cut short before they get out to the rest of the world! What an outrage.
Sigh...ok I guess I'd better talk about the thing I don't want to talk about...though you managed to make it quite painless and I loved moody, pissed off, cheated-on Marat with his cigarettes - that's kinda how I imagine him all the time!! He and Juanqui truly are a wonderful couple so they should probably be together. Their make-up scene was really touching and it's good to know they're finally talking about important things and started to discover each other again :D
“I love you, Safin. I still love you.” He didn’t know what else to say.
As Marat’s expression became a little softer, Juan Carlos became bolder.
“And, I want you to love me more. Love me much more than you’ve done in the past. I want more.”
Marat didn’t respond. His gaze was fixed on the window and it somehow infuriated the Spaniard.
“I want more. You hear me, damn it? I want more from you! I want more!!”
He wasn’t aware that he was sobbing until Marat held out a finger to capture a heavy teardrop.
^I love this part so much^ - so much wonderful emotion - trust me to pick the emo part! XD
And lol you called the bird baby Richie!! Well maybe this will stop Juanqui mothering the poor half-vampire a bit!
I hope next chapter we will get to know what Mario thinks about all this...I'm sure the poor dear is going through a lot, though I think his main wish is to see his boss happy and well again!
Brilliant chapter as always Flamy - congtats on your 100th! *hugs*
Wow! Is it my birthday or what? I didn't expect you to leave me such a long, rich comment especially on this chapter XD Not that I'm complaining! :D I'd kill for comments these days *cough*
Anyway, I can breathe better, now that you quoted the exact scene that made me hate myself for hours last night. I have a tendancy to mess up in big, important moments so I thought that my nervousness had struck again! Alas!! T_T It's more than soothing to hear nice words on that scene from such a great writer like you :D Thank you *superhugs*
Don't worry! Roger was standing in the bottom storey! I wouldn't want him hurt or dead just to help him fulfill his "kissing in the rain" fantasy XD Actually, that's one of my fantasies. I can't help putting stuff related to myself in the story XDD
I so KNEW that you would point out that "brits' kisses" line XD Well, I'm sure they are lovely kissers. (What kind of a response is this? XDD) At first, I had put that line out of nowhere and when I was editing the story, your name popped in my mind and I had to take a moment to picture you reading that particular part XD Call me evil, but I bet you already knew that, hehe.
Of course, Mario opens the next chapter :) What a demanding week for poor him! I'm sure there wasn't anything mentioned about spending a night with the boss in his job description XD Although I can't see him complaining *cough*
Aww, thank you so much for congratulating me on my crazy writing XD I'm happy that I'm still enjoying writing just as much as when I had started to :D
Thank you so much for the unbelievably adorable comment. This just proves that you're also awesome at writing comments, which is something that I'm trying very hard to achieve these days! Ah, seriously, I'm blessed to get reviews like this. You just made my week :D *superhugs*
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