Starfishing [10/?]

Mar 01, 2015 07:59

Title: Starfishing
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 4,124
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the human and angel characters and this is a work of fiction.
Summary: Tommy thinks that they’re having a regular day in Heaven when he notices that Adam’s being evasive. He tracks down the reason and it somehow leads to a giant slumber party. At least, boredom isn’t his best friend anymore.


Tommy opened his eyes when someone bit him on the leg. He yawned and looked down at the giant ball of freckles.

“You’re up!” Adam smiled and kissed Tommy on the knee.

“Well, it’s not exactly easy to sleep when someone’s biting you.” Tommy threw his legs in the air and groaned at all the love bites. How many of these were from last night and how many were from this morning?

“Nice view, baby.” Adam whistled as he ran his eyes from Tommy’s ankles all the way down his legs to the crack of his ass. “Too bad I can’t lick all that prettiness. I’ve just finished putting on some salve. But I can still lick this.”

Tommy moaned as his legs were placed over Adam’s shoulders. He didn’t think that he could ever get used to Adam’s blowjobs; he used a different combination of techniques each time to keep things interesting. He also thought about how passionately Adam had loved him throughout the night. It was a relief that he could still move and talk.

“You skipped your run this morning?” Tommy asked, wondering what time it was.

“No, I already ran and showered. Mike could somehow tell that I had a wonderful night.” Adam grinned and put Tommy’s dick back in his mouth.

“Really? How? Did you keep grinning like a fool?” Tommy let out a loud moan as Adam deepthroated him. He probably would’ve died of acute pleasure if he hadn’t been dead already. “Adam, I think I need a break…”

Adam pulled his mouth away.

“No! Not from you! From work…” Tommy panted.

“Why, Tommy Joe… Are you trying to spend more time with me?” Adam used his hand instead.

“Yes…” Tommy admitted as he thrust up into Adam’s hand. He was crazy about Adam and wanted to spend the rest of his stay totally wrapped around him. Adam only had 16 days left in Heaven.

“How many vacation days do you have?” Adam tightened his grip and enjoyed the sounds that spilled out of Tommy’s mouth.

“I have ten left…”

“So you’re going to be mine for ten whole days?” Adam teased Tommy’s slit with his thumb.

“Yes!” Tommy twisted with a cry.

“I think it’s a great idea then.” Adam caressed the fluttering wing with one hand and finished Tommy off with the other. What could they do for ten full days? He’d have to brainstorm for ideas.

“Can I borrow your apron today? Mine is in the washing cloud.” Tommy asked as he caught his breath. He thought about all the potential visitors that would get an eyeful if he didn’t cover himself.

“I’m sorry, baby. It says ‘Kiss the cook’. I don’t think I can handle any more filthy reds on your face!”

“Hahaha, I’ll just use a blanket then. No need to traumatize you.” Tommy peered at Adam’s crotch. Was he tired after his morning run or had he jerked off in the shower? Was the memory of lipstick on his cheek that much of a turn off? It was weird; Adam always got hard when he touched him intimately.

“Are you feeling okay?” Tommy sat up and put the back of his hand on Adam’s forehead.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Adam smiled and got out of bed.

“Okay.” Tommy cocked his head at the evasive manner.

“I’ll get us some breakfast.” Adam wiped his hand with a tissue and walked out of the room.

Tommy blinked as he was left alone without a kiss. What was going on?

Tommy got a clue right after breakfast when Mike gave him a call. Adam had been talkative at the breakfast table, but it had only raised more suspicion.

“Hey, what’s up?” He held his cell phone to his ear with curiosity. Mike usually called him on the cloudline.

“We need to talk.”

“Okay. What’s with the serious tone?”

“Are you alone? Can he hear you?”

“Hang on.” Tommy got up and closed the door of his study. “Go on.”

“He didn’t want me to tell you, but something happened this morning.”

“So that’s why he was home early!”

“Yeah, I told him to get on my back and galloped all the way home. Maybe I overreacted, but I was worried that things might get messy.”

“Are you home now? I don’t feel safe talking on the phone.”

“Yeah, sneak out if you can. I’ll leave the kitty door open.”

Tommy snorted and hung up. By kitty door, Mike meant his bedroom window. He could see it from right here in his study. He had used it a couple of times to help Mike out when he had had a fan over that never wanted to leave. He would ruffle his own hair, get his pants a little lower, and yawn on his way out to the living room. It had been painful to call Mike ‘sweetheart’ and ask when he was coming back to bed, but he had thought of it as doing his angel duties.

He scribbled a note for Adam in case he came looking for him. He could never tell when his fruit break was.

Dear babyboy,

I sneaked out through the window to stretch my wings. I didn’t want to disturb you when you were learning how to meditate. If anyone rings the doorbell, just ignore it. We have the curtains closed, so you’re safe. I love you so much more than you’ll ever know.


It was sappy, but he was sure that Adam would like it. An incurable romantic lived inside his boyfriend’s heart.

He opened the window and flew out before closing it behind his back. He was worried about what Mike had to say, but at least Adam hadn’t been hurt.

“Come on in.” Mike led Tommy inside and closed the window. “Ahhhck!”

Tommy jumped as Mike tried to claw his eyes out. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t you have any sense of common decency? Just because we don’t wear much clothes doesn’t mean we’re forbidden to!”

Tommy looked down at himself. Oh, right… He had completely forgotten about the mess that his kissing monster had made.

“Coffee?” Mike asked as he wrapped his indecent neighbor in a fresh sheet.

“Yeah, thanks.”

Tommy waited in the living room, but his patience was running out. It showed in his wings and by the time Mike appeared, he was flying above the couch.

Mike laughed. “Take a seat. It’s not like he’s in imminent danger.”

Tommy sat down and nursed his cup of coffee. “I’m listening.”

“Someone approached us. He looked like a regular angel who wanted to shake hands with Adam. He had apparently heard him sing at the fishing place.”

Tommy winced. It had briefly crossed his mind that it could be dangerous to let Adam sing outside the house. He knew firsthand how powerful and irresistible Adam’s voice was. But this was Heaven and there were a lot of awesome voices around. Besides, they had taken precaution and had fished on a ridiculously remote cloud. “What happened?”

“Adam held out his hand and the guy took it with both hands. At first, things looked normal. But then I saw his left thumb slide up to Adam’s wrist. I got the feeling that he was looking for a pulse.”

Tommy nearly dropped his cup. “Why would he look for a pulse? Do you think he came from another Heaven?”

“I have no idea, but I didn’t stick around to find out. I pulled Adam hard and got him out of the handshake. We’d been jogging, so his pulse would’ve been stronger. One pulse could’ve tipped the guy off.”

Tommy wrapped his wings around him. While he had braced himself for the possibility of something like this happening, he was nowhere near ready to deal with this.

“I told the guy we were late for work and you know the rest. I know it would’ve looked mighty suspicious, but I thought it was better than giving him hard proof.”

“Of course! Thank you. What did he look like?”

Mike shrugged. “A bit like Bruce Willis? He had dark hair and red wings. He didn’t follow us though. I made Adam look back a few times. I also looked out the window for a while, but I didn’t see him or anyone else lurking around.”

Tommy nodded. “I should call Freddie and Terrance. But why did Adam want to hide this from me?”

“He didn’t want you to get worried?”

“But I need to know everything that’s going on, so I can protect him.”

“I know. I tried to convince him, but he was adamant.” At any other time, Mike would’ve joked how there was ‘Adam’ in the word ‘adamant’.

“Thanks for everything, Mike. I owe you big time.” Tommy finished his coffee and got up.

“Don’t mention it. I’m just a phone call away if you need anything.”

Tommy smiled and gave his friend a big hug. He had good people around him.

Tommy sneaked back into the study and handled the calls. Both Freddie and Terrance were coming right away.

“Adam?” He walked out to the living room, but Adam wasn’t there anymore.

“Adam? Where are you?” He tried not to panic. Adam was probably in the bathroom. But when he found both of the bathrooms empty, he thought that he had every reason to start freaking out.

“Adam!” He flew over to check the front door, but it was still locked from the inside. Had someone broken in through the study window? Had Bruce Willis managed to track Adam down?

“Tommy? Did you call me?”

Tommy whipped his head around. Adam was standing there, looking a little sweaty.

“Oof!” Adam had to take a step back as Tommy flew at full-speed and threw himself in his arms. Tommy’s hugs were always welcome, but this one didn’t feel right. “Baby, what’s going on? You’re shaking.”

“I thought they took you away. I thought you were in danger.” Tommy swallowed his tears as he thought about his dream where Adam had been kept in a cage in Hell.

“Who are they?” Adam ran his hand over Tommy’s back and settled down on the floor.

“Bruce Willis and his army of evil angels.” Tommy tightened his limbs around Adam.

“Ah, I see you talked to Mike.” Adam sighed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Tommy breathed in Adam’s scent. He needed to feel that Adam was still here with him.

“This is exactly why I didn’t tell you,” Adam spoke softly. “But don’t worry. Nothing happened and I decided to stop jogging. That’s why I was in the basement. You mentioned you had a stationary bike down there.”

“Next time, please leave me a note. Gosh, I was so scared…”

“I will! I’m sorry I got you worried. It won’t happen again.” Adam lifted Tommy’s chin and gave him a soothing kiss.

It was then that Tommy realized that he had no problem with Adam going down. Adam would be going home-to someplace safe where he had friends, family, and fans. Adam was still alive. He had a pulse and a beating heart. He belonged to the human world, far away from his dead self.

“Something got beamed over while you were out. You ordered new dispensers for our bathroom?”

Tommy couldn’t hide the smile at Adam’s choice of words. Yes, it was their bathroom for now. “It’s a gift for you.”

“Really? But I’m happy with the Greek gods.”

“You’ll like these more. I’m sure of it.”

Tommy pulled Adam up with him and moved to the living room. The package was sitting on the coffee table. “Open it.”

Adam rubbed his hands in glee and attacked the wrapping paper. He’d normally be gentle, but he wanted to make Tommy laugh.

“Hahaha… I should give you gifts more often. These are custom-made, by the way.” Tommy kissed Adam’s cheek.

Adam stared at one of the dispensers in his hand. It looked just like Tommy. The unique hairdo, the pouty lips, and the slender body had been perfectly recreated. Little Tommy was standing naked and his dick was hard, curving slightly to the left just like the real one did.

“How do I get soap out of this?” He felt his cheeks heat at the raunchy gift.

“You need a shower, right? You’re a bit sweaty.” Tommy grinned and gathered the dispensers in his arms. “I’ll fill them up and you can find out.”

Adam groaned as he thought about filling Tommy up. These days, almost anything led to thoughts of his angel. Maybe he was getting a little obsessed with Tommy, but he remembered that it was a natural phase of love.

Tommy squeaked when Adam stopped him on his way and pulled him close. Adam’s kisses were always welcome, but this one was particularly hot. He shivered when he felt Adam get hard against his stomach; everything was back on track. He wished that he could join Adam in the shower, but he had visitors coming and it would be more fun for Adam to explore his gifts on his own.

Adam leaned against the bathroom wall and watched his boyfriend move about. He was going to miss these small, domestic moments. It felt like they were playing house before they’d be forced to grow up and face the real world.

“You’re not staying?” He asked when Tommy turned to leave.

“No, sorry. Freddie and Terrance are coming over to talk about what happened.” Tommy gave him a tentative smile. The last thing he wanted was to see Adam’s erection wilt, but he needed to give him the heads up about Freddie’s visit.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to rely on these mini Tommys here.” Adam gestured at the new dispensers.

“Have fun then. Don’t make me too jealous.” Tommy stole a quick kiss and left with an exaggerated sigh.

Adam turned on the shower and giggled. Tommy had such a naughty side. He just needed a quick spray, but Tommy had told him to have fun. He examined the shower gel dispenser and laughed. He had to twist one of Tommy’s nipples to get the gel out of his dick. The shampoo and conditioner dispensers were next. They both had Tommy holding his arms above his head with his legs bent so that his thighs touched his chest. He had to push a finger inside Tommy’s ass to get him to come.

‘What? There’s no lube dispenser?’ He groaned as he found himself horribly turned on. It wasn’t the gift itself that got him this hard; it was the thought behind it. To think that Tommy had come up with such exciting designs… To think that he had ordered naked miniatures of himself… To think that his cheeks had to have burned while making sure that they got all the details right…

He got some shower gel and wrapped his hand around his dick. He couldn’t even remember what he had jerked off to before he had met Tommy. Despite his short stay, he had plenty of images to choose from. He revisited the events of last night where Tommy hadn’t stopped writhing in bed. His hand sped up as he saw Tommy’s body glisten with sweat, looking delicious with his marks. He heard Tommy yell out his name, too gone to feel any kind of embarrassment.

“Oh, Tommy…”

He put his hand on the wall for support and thrust into his other hand. He pictured Tommy’s hole instead of his own fist. He loved how Tommy let him play with his hole afterwards. Tommy didn’t seem to find him weird no matter what he did and if that wasn’t unconditional love, he didn’t know what was. He thrust harder and thought about coming all over Tommy’s wings. He had actually done that last night and that memory was all he needed to come with a hoarse cry.

He sank to the floor and looked up at his gifts. He would have to ask Freddie if he could actually smuggle Tommy downstairs. He had never really felt like a sinner, but maybe this was why humans sinned.

A couple of hours later, Adam was sitting next to Tommy on the couch. He was delighted that the angels had let him sit in this time. He was probably present as a victim or a witness, but he liked to think that he had earned some respect. Freddie and Terrance looked unusually serious, but he couldn’t get his facial muscles to behave. He was far too pleased with Tommy wearing his T-shirt to cover the love bites. He had cut the back of the shirt to make room for the wings, but it was worth seeing his angel in something of his.

“Adam, if I could please get your attention…” Terrance waited for Adam to leave Tommy’s hand alone.

“Yes?” Adam did his best to look serious.

“You were the one who shook his hand. Did it feel like he wanted to harm you?”

Adam replayed the scene in his mind once more. He had replayed it a dozen times since the incident. “I think there was a certain glint in his eyes. It wasn’t hostility, but it wasn’t appreciation either. I think he was curious. I just don’t know why.”

Freddie rubbed his chin as he thought about the answer. Both Adam and Mike were stars who had plenty of experience being around people. Even though they had only had a few seconds to assess the guy, he believed in their instincts. “It’s a relief that he wasn’t hostile, but I still don’t like it.”

“Me neither,” Terrance agreed.

“Is it possible that he was one of those love hunters?” Tommy asked. “Maybe he was curious about our shiny roof and followed Adam to the fishing place. But he couldn’t approach him there because we were too many. So he waited for a better opportunity to find out what was so special about him.”

“What’s a love hunter?” Despite the situation, Adam was mesmerized by a new detail of Heaven.

“Some people aren’t satisfied with just getting bits of strong love,” Tommy explained. “They want to know who or what’s involved and how they could reproduce it.”

Adam remembered how Tommy had told him that love was pretty much the only thing that you couldn’t buy with angel points.

“It usually leads to heavy stalking,” Terrance added. “So it’s best if you cut it before it gets too far.”

Freddie nodded and twisted his moustache. “Whatever he wanted, the roof has attracted too much attention. It’s time to leave.”

“Leave where?” Adam grabbed Tommy’s hand again.

“Tommy mentioned he had 10 days of vacation left,” Terrance suggested.

“Excellent! You should take him around Heaven.” Freddie looked at Tommy. “Go through all the seasons with him. My treat.”

“For how long?” Tommy tried to calculate how many points it would cost Freddie.

“Ten days plus the weekends! Let’s see, that makes…” Freddie wasn’t afraid to count with his fingers. “Fourteen days in total! Perfect. By the time you get back, the roof would’ve faded.”

“And, we would’ve figured out a way to get Adam through the fogbow trail without getting caught,” Terrance added with hope.

“So this is like an evacuation and a goodbye trip altogether.” Adam caressed Tommy’s hand with a sad smile.

“It won’t feel like that once you get on the train,” Freddie reassured his boy. “And, when you pass Late Summers, you’re welcome to spend the night at my place.”

Everyone laughed at Adam sucking all the air into his lungs.

“Isaac should be able to get you a friends & family discount for the train,” Terrance reminded them. “And, Mike could kindly look after this place?”

“Yeah, I’ll talk to him.” Tommy made a mental note to bring back a decent gift for his neighbor while Adam decided to look at the bright side. Not only did he get to enjoy Tommy’s full attention for two weeks, but he also got to travel around Heaven. And, while he would never admit it out loud, the best part was that there wouldn’t be any Molly, Kelly or Jenny.

“So when do we leave?” He gave Freddie a big smile.

“The earlier, the better. How soon can you leave?” Freddie asked Tommy.

“I need to finish up some stuff for work, but Adam can help me pack.” Tommy glanced at Adam and got a kiss on his cheek.

“I can help you too,” Terrance offered.

“And, I can make arrangements for the hotels once you come up with a route.” Freddie twisted the other side of his moustache.

“The day after tomorrow then?” Tommy agreed that it was best to leave as soon as possible.

Freddie frowned. “Why not tomorrow evening? We’ll push it. Do you have a spare bedroom?”

“Yes, we do!” Adam answered. “Are you going to spend the night?”

Everyone laughed again at Adam’s hopeful voice.

“Yes, I am, son-if the kind host lets me, of course.” Freddie gave Tommy two thumbs up when he got a nod.

“If we need more manpower, I could ask Mike to come over,” Tommy suggested. “That way, Terrance can stay in his guest room if things go late into the night.”

“Okay, it’s settled then. Let’s get a map and work on what you guys would like to see.” Freddie grinned, pleased to see Adam’s eyes light up.

Adam yawned and kissed Tommy on the forehead. He loved how Tommy wrapped a wing around his stomach when they were about to sleep. He couldn’t think of anything that might feel cozier. By the sound of his breathing, he could tell that Tommy was almost asleep. A few more caresses would send him off to dreamland.

His day had started in fear and confusion, but it was about to end in comfort and excitement. The five of them had planned and sorted out all kinds of details until they had called it a night. Tommy had been in and out of the study while Freddie had been on and off the phone. Mike and Terrance had taken turns in patrolling and he had been in charge of ordering food and drinks. It had felt a bit like a giant slumber party and a bit like a special task force.

He and Tommy were leaving for Mid Summers in the evening and were planning to go through all the seasons until they reached Late Springs. He hadn’t even gotten to see much of Early Summers, but he was thrilled to explore other parts of Seventh Heaven. Having stayed home for most of the time, it was going to feel amazing to be outside all day.

His generous guardian angel had bought both of them enough clothes to fill two suitcases. They had taken advantage of virtual fitting rooms and he might’ve squeed a little too often while trying hundreds of clothes. Thankfully, there had been a ‘- wings’ option, so he hadn’t needed to spend the night sewing. He had also been heavily involved in picking clothes for Tommy, and seeing his angel in beautiful clothes had made him fall in love with him all over again.

“Don’t tell me you can’t sleep because Freddie’s in our guest room.” Tommy whispered. “Do you want to go watch him sleep?”

“Hahaha, no thanks. I’d rather watch you sleep.” Adam pressed his lips against Tommy’s hair.

“You’d only watch?” Tommy folded his wings and brushed the front of Adam’s pants with his palm.

“I… I don’t know,” Adam stuttered.

“I wouldn’t mind you touching me here and there.” Tommy ran his hand down the muscular thigh and squeezed Adam’s knee.

“But I wouldn’t want to wake you up…” Adam hoped that guardian angels didn’t have a sixth sense that alerted them when their humans’ heart rate went off the charts.

“But it would be small touches I can barely feel. It’s not like you’re going to push this inside me.” Tommy pushed his hand inside Adam’s pants and grabbed his dick.

“Oh my god, Tommy… You’re sure it’s absolutely soundproof in here?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to share your moans with anyone else.” Tommy drew out a long moan with a firm squeeze and a flick of his wrist.

“Please tell me this is going somewhere. You’ve spoiled me, baby! I don’t think a handjob is going to be enough right now!”

Tommy laughed and wriggled out of his pants. He pulled them from under the covers and threw them near the door. He laughed some more when Adam took a deep breath and dove under the covers. They could always sleep in and nap on the train.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. -Oscar Wilde

starfishing, adommy

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