Mr. & Mr. Lambert [6/10]

Aug 31, 2014 22:20

Title: Mr. & Mr. Lambert
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Other character: Dia Ratliff
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,979
Warnings: angst, second-hand embarrassment, and foul language
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and this is a work of fiction.
Summary: Adam tries to be brave and makes one of the biggest decisions of his life. As a married man, he has to put Tommy’s well-being above anything else. Meanwhile, Tommy finds out that peace doesn’t come easily even on a work-free weekend. Going through all kinds of emotions is exhausting, to say the least.

Previously in ‘Mr. & Mr. Lambert’…

Tommy had gotten a call from Neil and had rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, Adam’s injuries hadn’t been serious, but it had taken him a while to get his sexual appetite back. Tommy had also suspected that Neil had taken care of Adam’s attacker when Isaac had told him about his research on the attack. His suspicion had only grown when Adam had asked to replace Sasha with Neil as his occasional bodyguard.

Tommy was checking on his arsenal in the music room while his husband was out of the house. Adam had gone to see his godson who had wanted to spend more time with him. He thought that it was great that Adam got to have a kid around. Adam liked kids, but they had no intention of getting kids of their own. Even though he loved his niece, he wasn’t a fan of those tiny, wailing monsters. Besides, he wanted to focus all his emotional energy on loving Adam and only him. Adam was the most important person in his life and he wanted to love him without any distractions.

He had already cleaned all of his guns hidden in various pieces of equipment. Adam never came into this room, but you could never be too careful. He was now replacing his backup eye shadow since he had learned that whatever distracted his enemies could be considered as a weapon.

He was pondering about what to do next when his phone went off. Ever since Neil had called from the hospital, he had been scared to pick up the phone. But this time, it was only his mom.


“Hey, Tommy boy! How much did you miss mommy?”

Tommy sighed and wondered when his mom would realize that he was an adult who earned money and had a husband.

“Come on. Let me hear it. How much did you miss me?”

“Very much, of course. What’s up, ma?”

“Well, I was wondering if Addy would like some new underwear.”

Tommy sighed again. His mom made it painfully obvious that she ran an underwear shop; he and Adam always got underwear no matter what the occasion was.

“See, there’s this thong that just came in. It has a nice leopard print, so I naturally thought of Addy! It’s perfect for him, really. He has round, pinchable cheeks which would look gorgeous in a thong! And, there’s enough room in the front, so nothing will feel squeezed or anything.”

Tommy groaned and loaded one of his guns. He was going to shoot his phone any minute. “Ma, you’ll send it over anyway. What’s the point of asking me? And, why can’t you ask him?”

“You want me to talk to him about his cute butt cheeks?” Dia clicked her tongue. “I ask you because this way, I get to hear your voice and you can pretend you got it for him.”

“I think he noticed that all the underwear come from you, when he got new underwear for the fifth time!”

“Well, it’s easy to wear out even the good ones. I’ll send the thong tomorrow. Should I throw in some lacy panties for you?”

“What?” Tommy was sure that he had heard her wrong.

“Something that’s very easy to tear off?”

“Why would I need lacy panties that are easy to tear off? I don’t do undercover work, ma, especially not as a girl.”

“Undercover? Well, I suppose it does happen under the covers! Is that what the kids call it these days? Undercover work?”

“Ma! If you think I crossdress in bed, I don’t!”

“It’s okay even if you do, sweetie. You have the right physique to pull it off and you’re prettier than most girls out there. Did you ever give it a try? He might like it, you know. Marriage is all about keeping things as fresh as you can.”

Tommy took a deep breath and released the safety. He drew the line at getting suggestions on his sex life from his mom. It had been a pleasure knowing his phone, but all good things came to an end.

“Okay, fine, I’ll stop. I heard that click. Don’t waste your bullets like that. It’s a bad economy.”

Tommy grunted as he put the gun down on the desk. He wished that his mom cared about her son’s mental health as much as the state of the economy.

“By the way, I’m getting my hair done with Isaac’s mom tomorrow.”

“You are? How is she doing?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m meeting her. How are you and Addy doing these days? Your secret’s still safe?”

“Yeah, I’ve been careful.”

“That’s my good boy. Hang on for as long as possible, okay? Addy could do without that kind of a burden. He has a singing soul and it’s your job to keep him singing.”

“Yeah, I know that.”

“Good. And, if you need to talk, you know you can call mommy.”

Tommy swallowed the lump in his throat. He had used to call his dad on a bad day at work. It was his dad who had trained him since he had been a kid and who had guided him throughout his career. But he had been killed in action several years ago, so he now had a drink and played his guitar when things got rough.

“Stop getting sentimental and start thinking thongs. Do you think you can send me a picture of Addy wearing it? It should sell better with a nice picture next to it.”

“Ma! I’m not going to have you put up a picture of my husband’s ass!”

“It doesn’t have to be…”

“Or any other part of him!”

“Okay! No need to yell into the phone. Are you boys having problems with undercover work? Is that sexual frustration I hear?”

“Adam and I are fine! I’m frustrated with you, ma!”

“Aww, you can’t possibly mean that.” Dia chuckled. Teasing her little boy was her favorite pastime.

“Urgh, unless you have something else to say, I’m hanging up.”

“Okay, tell me what I want to hear.”

“I love you, ma.” Tommy made a kissing sound for her.

“Love you too, Tommy boy. Keep yourself and Addy safe, okay?”

“I’ll try. Say hi to Isaac’s ma for me.”

“I will, but she’s probably listening in on our conversation right now. You know tapping phones is her favorite hobby, right?”

Tommy paled as he remembered where Isaac had learned his many skills. But his mom’s snickers told him that she was just messing with him. “I’m hanging up, ma!”

He cut the call and tossed the phone on the floor. In hindsight, it was probably a good thing that his mom had called while he had been alone. The last time when she had called, Adam had put her on speaker and they had joined forces to tease him about his sleeping habits. So what if he often ended up upside down in the morning, clinging on to Adam’s calf? Adam had the most aesthetically pleasing calves ever; his subconscious had great taste.

He left the room, deciding to be useful. Perhaps Adam would let him rub himself against those calves if he got some chores done.

By the time Adam had come home, Tommy had finished mowing the lawn in the front and the back. He had just started to hose the plants when Adam had joined him in the backyard. But he hadn’t gotten a chance to ask if he could borrow his calves; the resident street cat had stolen his attention.

“Aww, Timmy, it’s so nice to see you again! I thought you might’ve moved.” Adam poured milk in the bowl.

“Timmy? Since when is his name Timmy?” Tommy didn’t like how close it sounded to his name.

“Oh, he’s always been Timmy in my mind.” Adam smiled and scratched the back of Timmy’s neck. “Doesn’t it suit him? He could be your baby brother! So adorable.”

Tommy gritted his teeth as the cat purred and gave him a smug look. Fucking cats. They thought that everyone else was beneath their royal selves.

“Who’s my good kitty, huh? Who drank all his milk?” Adam bent down and kissed Timmy on the head.

Tommy gripped the hose and glared at the ugly plant that he had forgotten the name of. He couldn’t believe this shit. There was no good kitty or bad kitty. He was Adam’s only kitty.

“So Timmy, do you want to play ‘Who has the softest belly?’ Yeah?”

Tommy rolled his eyes. Cats didn’t just roll over like dogs and showed their bellies.

“Aww! You’re the best!” Adam beamed at Timmy and scratched his belly. Timmy was so much fun.

Tommy hosed his husband and whatever it was that was posing as a cat. Rivals were like rats. They were filthy and they never left the planet. “Oops, sorry! I think there’s something wrong with the hose.” He hosed them down some more. There was so much filth in the air.

Adam took off his wet T-shirt while Timmy shook his fur dry. Thank god it was summer. “Just to be sure, Tommy… you’re not jealous by any chance, are you?”

“Pfft, of course not.” Tommy turned his back to the two and watered the flowers. What kind of animals ate cats? Were there cougars in New York? He had to find out.

Adam stepped out of his jeans and wrapped himself around Tommy’s back. He had a jealous spirit to appease. “Baby, you know I’m crazy about you, right?”

Tommy pouted as he moved to the flowers on the right with his husband still attached to him. “Keep talking.”

Adam nuzzled the back of Tommy’s neck. “How about I keep showing?”

Tommy gasped as Adam pressed his hard-on against his ass. When had that happened? He rarely missed the rise of The Great One. “Don’t tell me your little Timmy turned you on.”

“Haha, that’s a little disturbing. I guess seeing you get jealous turned me on.” Adam nibbled his husband’s ear.

Tommy didn’t bother denying that jealousy had gotten the better of him. The important thing was that Adam was hard and that he remembered his fondness for his calves. “So it’s for me? All of it?”

“It’s always for you, Tommy. You could have some milk of your own.” Adam giggled.

Tommy snorted and got Adam off his back so that he could turn off the water. The cat had left and his husband was standing in his briefs. Things were starting to look better. “Oh yeah, that reminds me… Ma’s sending over more stuff for you.”

“She is? That’s great!”

“Urgh, you have no idea what kind of trauma I go through whenever you get new undies.” Tommy let Adam lead him into the house.

“Aww, you’re my hero!” Adam squeezed Tommy’s hand and kissed the side of his head. “I’m glad she has good taste though.”

“Eh, just wait and see what she sends you this time.” Tommy followed Adam up the stairs.

“Ooh, it must be good. I can’t wait.” Adam grinned and felt himself get harder. He loved getting new underwear. It made him feel sexy and Tommy showed some serious appreciation when he was in a new package.

“Wow, you must be one of those rare species, baby… the ones that don’t get turned off even when they talk about the in-laws.” Tommy threw himself on the bed.

Adam laughed as he shimmied out of his briefs. “Well, Dia’s not like any other mother. Did I tell you she gave me a tip last time? She said you liked the vibration coming from the washing machine. She suggested I should use that info to my advantage.”

“Ahhck!” Tommy screamed and clawed at his ears. Now he understood what Isaac felt like. There was such a thing as ‘too much information’.

“So maybe the second round should happen in the laundry room?” Adam winked as he got Tommy out of his clothes. A single round never really felt enough for either of them.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think there will even be a first round!” Tommy moaned at the loss of his hard-on. He didn’t think that even Adam’s calves could save the day.

“Is that a challenge?” Adam licked his lips and took Tommy’s dick in his mouth.

“Oh, remember not to deep throat! You have to sing tonight.” Tommy was damn proud that he was being responsible. He sometimes managed to think with his brain in bed.

Adam shivered at the tug at his heart. A lot of people were kind enough to praise his voice, but Tommy was the only one caring enough to protect it. Tommy was the one who had found out that Margaret Thatcher, famous for her commanding voice, had drunken hot water with lemon and honey to keep the strain out of her voice. He was also the one who dropped propolis liquid on the back of his throat.

Adam had come to love the sound of the teaspoon hitting the inside of a cup. It meant that Tommy was thinking about him while stirring honey into lemon water. The numbing taste of propolis grew on him as well. It meant that Tommy had a gentle hand on his chin to get the right angle for the drops. And, much to his amazement, Tommy had yet to miss a single day.

Adam gulped as he took in more of his husband’s dick. To think that all of this could come to an end in the blink of an eye… To think that a single slip could knock down the dominoes that he had been so careful to build…

“Hey, baby, what’s wrong? Did I push in too much?” Tommy pulled himself out and put a hand on Adam’s face.

Adam shook his head and closed his eyes. He didn’t have the strength to look at Tommy’s face. “No, I just never want this to end.”

“You want me to stay hard until I die? I love you, but that’s harsh, man. It’s kind of flattering though.”

Adam chuckled even as a tear slipped from his eye. Tommy’s sense of humor was one of the things that he’d miss the most. He had been thinking about his brother’s advice. If Tommy would be hurt more, the longer he lied, he had to be strong and reduce Tommy’s pain. As his husband, he had to put Tommy’s well-being above anything else. So he had decided to come clean in a couple of months on their first anniversary unless the secret got out before then. He didn’t think that he was being too selfish for wanting a full year of marriage with the most amazing person in his life.

“Adam, please talk to me.” Tommy moved down the bed until he could wrap his arms around Adam’s head. His husband usually wept for joy, not for sorrow. He had no idea what could’ve upset him so much in the middle of a blowjob. Was his dick responsible for this?

Adam dug his face into Tommy’s chest and swallowed fresh tears. They somehow tasted worse than propolis. “Do you know how much I love you?”

Tommy caressed Adam’s back and kissed the top of his head. “Hopefully as much as I love you?”

Adam had to resort to sobbing at the beautiful answer. Just when he thought that he couldn’t love his husband more, Tommy went on to prove him wrong.

“Why don’t we get some shut-eye, hmm? Nothing beats a power nap.” Tommy pulled the covers over them and stroked Adam’s hair to help him fall asleep. He doubted that he could rest when his head was swimming with guesses, but he stayed put since Adam could use a comforting presence. Much to his bitterness, he now missed Adam’s carefree face around the cat.

“It’s so easy to love you, you know,” Tommy whispered into Adam’s hair when he had gone quiet and pliant. “I don’t want this to end either. I’d kill to keep your love.”

He wondered why Adam thought that things might come to an end. Was he worried that one of them would get sick or have an accident? Had someone useless like Bradley talked to him about the high divorce rate in the city? Or was he so happy with life that he naturally thought about the day when he might not have this anymore?

Tommy kissed Adam’s forehead and hoped that it was the last case. Adam would be safe and happy in his bubble as long as he didn’t slip up. He was reminded of his mom’s words; Adam did have a singing soul and it was his job to keep him singing. It went without saying that it was by far the most important mission of his life.

Tommy allowed himself to breathe a little easier when Adam woke up in a much better mood. His eyes were puffy, but there was a lazy smile on his lips as he rubbed the head of his dick. “Are you trying to make up for the blowjob earlier? ‘Cause let me tell you, your mouth can do things your hands could only dream of.”

“Are you saying that I should stop?” Adam sat up and took his hand away.

“Of course not!” Tommy hastily grabbed Adam’s hand and put it back where it belonged.

Adam laughed and carried on with the handjob. He might as well give his husband all the pleasure that he could while he still had the right to. “By the way, Neil asked me why you’re sending him a dirty magazine.”

“Seriously? You want to talk about my brother-in-law while I’m hard?” Tommy held Adam’s hand in place in case he tried to pull it back again. “And, he’s your bodyguard! I wanted to say thanks.”

Adam nodded even though he thought that it was a waste of money. Neil only pretended to be his bodyguard and as far as he knew, he wasn’t partial to busty Asian girls.

“Did he like it? Or did I choose wrong?” Tommy added a moan at the end as Adam picked up the pace.

“He didn’t say. I think he was just freaked out that you were the one who sent it.”

“Good to know. But can we please talk about something else?”

Adam chuckled and figured that now was a good time as any to drop the bomb. “In that case, baby, I have a confession to make.”

“What? You liked some of the girls in that magazine?” Tommy twisted the sheets in his hands. Again, rivals = rats.

“Haha, nope. But I’m going on a business trip next week.”

“What for?” Tommy thrust up into Adam’s grip.

“I need to go sing at some charity events in Alaska.”

“Alaska? Don’t tell me you have a fat, little bear called Tummy over there.”

“Ahaha… Oh, Tommy.” Adam enjoyed pulling musical sounds out of his husband. He loved how vocal Tommy was in bed.

“For how long?” Tommy panted.

“A week.” Adam tried to ease the pain by rubbing the slit of Tommy’s dick with his thumb.

“A whole week?” Tommy was shocked. They had never been apart for a whole week. Even before getting married, they had seen each other at least once a week. “Can I come with you?”

“I’m almost there, baby.” Adam wrapped his left hand around his own dick.

“I didn’t mean…” Tommy didn’t get to finish his sentence before pleasure ripped through him. Did Adam not want him in Alaska? Had they been glued together without giving each other enough space?

Trying to catch his breath, he relished the feeling of Adam coming all over his thigh. Adam was big on marking him one way or another and it made him hot all over again. “You know… on second thought, I might be okay with that laundry room idea.”

“Really?” Adam giggled and kissed Tommy on the nose. “We should do the laundry then, get the machine going. I’ll go fetch my clothes and meet you there.”

Tommy blinked as he was left alone with a weird feeling coiling in his gut. Why was Adam being distant? Was he just getting ready for a week without him or was there something else going on?

Feeling like he was actually doing some undercover work, he picked up his clothes and headed downstairs. He’d have to watch his husband closely until he left for Alaska.

Tommy’s plan was in full motion when he sneaked into Bradley’s bar. Despite his love for Adam’s singing, he didn’t come here often. Even on the nights that he didn’t have to work, he resisted coming over to give Adam some space of his own. There was also the fact that he found the rats in the bar disgusting. It apparently didn’t matter that Adam’s wedding band shined under the stage light. Nobody seemed to care about the proof that screamed that the beautiful man belonged to him.

He took a seat in the corner and ordered a Scotch whisky. He was sitting in the same seat as the day when he had first laid eyes on Adam. Adam didn’t seem to have noticed him, which made the observation easier. He had to figure out what was going on with his husband. He understood that there could be things that Adam wasn’t comfortable telling him. After all, he had a secret of his own. But since he had a secret of his own, he understood how difficult it was to go about life with something heavy on your chest. Whatever was crushing Adam, he wanted to know so that he could help.

A round of applause filled the bar when Adam wrapped up a song. “Thank you, guys. Thanks. Is everyone having a good time tonight?”

Some cheered and some groaned. Tommy couldn’t decide which one to choose. He had been fucked hard while kneeling on the washing machine, but he had also been worried enough to come see his husband.

“Well, I’d like to dedicate the next song to those who wish that tonight was different. It’s a stripped down version of the great Freddie Mercury’s solo song, called ‘Love kills’.”

Tommy listened, enraptured by the display of range and heart. His husband had gotten better at conveying the myriad of emotions that came with being in love. He had no doubt that Adam would eventually become a singer who was loved in all corners of the world. He just hoped that he would be standing next to him while he shined the brightest.

“Love kills, drills you through your heart… Love kills, scars you from the start,” Adam sang, feeling like the song had been written for him. He had been scarred from the moment that he had met Tommy on his cover job. Would things have been different if he had met him during a mission? He hated to think about his husband being in danger, but if he had saved Tommy’s life, would he have been able to keep him for the rest of his life?

“It’s just a living pastime, ruining your heart line… Stays for a lifetime, won’t let you go… Cause love, love, love won’t leave you alone…” Adam’s gaze landed on Tommy. He was in the same spot as when he had showed up in his life for the very first time.

“Love kills, tears you right apart. It won’t let go… It won’t let go! Love kills!” Grateful for the long pause by the end of the song, he stared at the face that looked back with love. He knew how quickly those two months would go. If he could, he wouldn’t spend a moment away from Tommy. He wouldn’t let his husband get out of his arms. He’d kiss him until Tommy knew just how much he loved him. He’d sing all the songs that he knew that might help Tommy understand why he was so afraid to lose him. But he couldn’t really do that, could he?

“Love kills, drills you through your heart… Love kills…” If a tear ran down his cheek, it meant that he was a great performer. But what he wouldn’t give to be a better husband…

mr. & mr. lambert, adommy

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