Beacon Hills Eye Clinic [5/?]

Sep 01, 2013 00:27

Title: Beacon Hills Eye Clinic
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Cora Hale, Scott McCall/Isaac Lahey, Peter Hale/Lydia Martin, Cora Hale/Allison Argent (All pre-established relationships)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3,190
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: Stiles’ day turns out to be spectacularly challenging and the Hales start to move in on their prey.

Previously in ‘Beacon Hills Eye Clinic’…

Allison had decided to stop thinking about Cora and had sent her a fruit basket to apologize for having tried to stab her with a pencil. Both Derek and Peter had asked Isaac to pry information out of Scott about Dr. Stilinski. As revenge for not telling him about the ‘broom’, Scott had told Isaac that Stiles was into leather. Then he had hoped that he would turn Isaac’s bad memories about motorcycles into better ones.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Stiles dropped his head on the wheel, feeling defeated. It was the kind of day when nothing seemed to go his way. Stiles fished his phone out of his coat pocket and called his insurance company; his Jeep had broken down in the middle of the road. He also called Lydia to tell her that he might be late and that they should start their morning meeting without him.

As he waited for the tow truck, Stiles thought about his awful morning. He had slept through his first three alarms, had used the conditioner first, and had almost slipped in the bathroom. If that wasn’t bad enough, his Tuesday boxers had still been wet and since he hadn’t had enough time, he had skipped the playtime with Stiles Jr. And, to top things off, he had caught his father stuffing his mouth with banana chips and something that looked disgustingly greasy. He was getting used to patients who didn’t like following orders, but his father was a whole different animal.

Stiles got out of the car and looked up at the cloudy sky. It was cold, but he could use some fresh air. He hoped that the Jeep was still fixable. The two of them went far back and he was too attached to it to get a new car.

“Dr. Stilinski?”

Stiles looked to his left. It was Cora Hale. “Hey, how’s it going?”

“Well, it looks like I’m going to be your hero, so I feel good.” Cora rolled up her window and got out of her Kia.

“Ah, that’s very generous of you, but the tow truck’s on its way.” Stiles gave her a smile.

“That’s great. But you’re still blocking half of the road and who knows when it’ll get here?”

Stiles’ jaw dropped as Cora casually pushed his Jeep to the side of the road. Sometimes he forgot just how powerful werewolves were.

“There you go.” Cora brushed off her hands.

“Thanks! I shouldn’t have let a lady do that.”

“It’s okay. I offered.” Cora smiled. “And, since I’m so generous, let me also give you a ride.”

“Oh, that’s totally unnecessary. I can take a cab and I already called in late.”

“It’s no bother. I have some time to kill anyway. Leave a note on the window and they’ll take care of it.” Cora didn’t wait for an answer and got back in the car.

Stiles didn’t want to complicate matters, but he didn’t want to be rude either. Cora hadn’t flirted with him, so he had no reason to turn down her kindness.

Cora grinned as the doctor got in her car. What a lovely morning this was. She used her werewolf speed to lean over and fasten his seatbelt. If she tilted her head to make her hair fall closer to his face, she was just seizing an opportunity.

“Thank you…” Stiles breathed in the heady scent of her shampoo. It reminded him of his earlier mistake, but he tried to focus on this new memory.

“You’re welcome.” Cora put on her own seatbelt and started the car. Her gym was on the other side of the town, but she had left home early. The loft had been empty and she hadn’t had anyone to mess with. “So tell me why you still smell like a pouty kitten? Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Bah, sorry you had to smell that. It’s been a rough morning.” Unable to resist the chance, Stiles told her all about it. Talking was his thing and he found that Cora was better than any of his colleagues when it came to enthusiastic reaction.

“You don’t say!” Cora gasped in horror. Theatrics didn’t really suit her, but the doctor got so excited whenever she did that. It was nice to have a babbling cutie next to her. It was much better than lame music or boring silence that usually filled her car. She wondered if she couldn’t keep him all to herself. Did she have to play the good, little sister? Nobody had asked her to and the doctor hadn’t seen Derek’s abs yet. Perhaps she could reach out first.

“Uh, I don’t mean to question your judgment, but is this the shortest way to the clinic?” Stiles looked out the window with a frown.

“It isn’t,” Cora did her best to sound creepy. “But don’t worry. If you cooperate, I’ll let you out of this car in one piece.”

She laughed when the doctor’s heart skipped a beat. He had been willing to wait for the truck. She could drop him off after having a little more fun.

Twenty minutes later, Stiles stumbled into the clinic with lipstick on his cheek. He should feel better about his morning, but he didn’t allow himself to do that. Getting a smack from a patient wasn’t something to be happy about when he had liked it too much.

“Stiles, over here.” Lydia had her arms folded in front of the reception desk.

“Hey, sorry I’m late. What’s up?” Stiles saw his best friend resting his chin on his hand and drooling all over it. “What happened to him?”

Lydia held up her flashlight and checked Scott’s pupils. “He’s gone. One moment, he was telling me about his date last night. Then the next, he lost control of his mouth and now it got to his brain. Soon he’s going to drool all over the desk.”

Sure enough, Scott’s arm gave out and his chin hit the desk. Lydia and Stiles winced, but Scott didn’t stop grinning.

“My poor friend.” Stiles pretended to wipe away a fake tear as he rubbed the lipstick off his cheek. He didn’t want Lydia to worry.

“Hmm, perhaps we should skip our morning meeting. There’s not enough time to get him out of his trance.” Lydia pulled out a Kleenex and wiped Scott’s chin.

“Okay. But tell me, did he get to the juicy bits? Or he didn’t make it that far?” Stiles hoped that it was the former. If he didn’t get to date, he’d like to imagine it through other people’s memories.

“Well, apparently Lahey wasn’t holding on tightly enough, so he sped up the bike. What a typical male behavior. But he couldn’t get enough of the thrill, so he kept pushing it and they had reached the woods earlier than he had expected.”


Lydia shrugged. “I don’t know. Then his mouth started secreting amylase and no more words came out. And, who knows what werewolves do in the woods? This might be a blessing in disguise.”

Stiles was torn. Was Lydia right or not? He thought about Cora driving him to the woods. There would be trees, dirt, and nobody to hear him scream. It was both strangely exciting and horribly terrifying.

“Honey, stop thinking about the woods and get ready. We have a clinic to run.”

As Lydia headed to her office, Stiles patted Scott on the cheek and went into his. He needed to get some smelling salt and revive his nurse.

“Uh, doctor…?”

Stiles sat up straight. Why was Scott hesitating? He had come out of the trance an hour ago and there hadn’t been any alarming patients on his list. “What is it, buddy? You’re not feeling well?”

“I’m actually worried about you, Stiles. You don’t have a fragile heart, right?”

“Why do you ask? Is there a werewolf holding an eye?”

“No… But there are Hales, dressed in leather.”

“What do you mean the Hales? There’s more than one?”

“Yeah, it’s the uncle and the nephew. And, Stiles, I’m so sorry about the leather…”

“Why are you sorry?”

“I’ll explain later, but I thought they’d come one by one!”

“Meh, if today’s any indication, challenges don’t come to me one by one. They come down on me like a freaking avalanche!”

“Ah, I wish I could help, but which one do you want to see first? They’re killing each other with werewolf eyes.”

“Eh, those werewolf testosterones.” Stiles tapped his fingers against his desk. He had thought that he had sent Derek away for good, but he had obviously been wrong. He suspected that Peter wasn’t here for a real problem either. The test results had come back negative last week.

“Stiles? I think some of the other patients are starting to get worried.”

“Gah, what the heck. Send in both.” Stiles felt like he had just peed and pooped in his pants at the same time.

“Okay. Remember you have a panic button. You press it and I’ll be through your door in no time.”

“Thanks, Scott. Tell me one thing though. How much leather are we talking about?” Stiles thought about all the leather jackets that had graced his office.

“Hmm, how do I say this… Oh! Remember the lunar eclipse edition of ‘Monthly Howl’?”

“Of course I do! There are some things that just burn into your retina.”

“Well, get your retina ready then. It’s that much leather.”

“Nnngh…” Stiles couldn’t help the sound of anticipation. He had to keep in mind that he wasn’t allowed to touch. With female patients, he tried not to even look, but he was less cautious when the patients were male. Guys seemed to enjoy the ego boost too much to be offended.

Stiles took deep breaths. He could do this. He was the son of a courageous sheriff. He also treated strong and dangerous werewolves like injured puppies. What could fine leather possibly do to him?

The door flew open and the Hales strutted into the office. These were the times when Stiles was mesmerized by the human eye; he saw everything in slow motion and in great detail. While he wished that his eyes could each focus on a Hale, he was relieved that Cora hadn’t joined this beautiful disaster. A foursome would’ve been overkill.

Peter had a fancy grey leather coat over a light blue sweater. His package was showcased in black jeans that looked gigantic under the silver leather belt. His look was completed with a leather necklace and black leather gloves.

“Oh my god…” Stiles gulped. He pictured those gloved hands slowly climbing up his legs to the very top of his thighs. He could feel goose bumps all over his legs.

Meanwhile, Derek was in a simple black leather jacket, zipped almost all the way up. But was that a leather collar around his neck? It was thin and barely visible over the top of the jacket, but a collar was a collar. His long legs were encased in tight black leather pants and Stiles wondered if Derek could’ve worn something underneath.

Stiles hurried to button up his gown. Even though he felt like shucking his clothes for various reasons, he didn’t want his patients to smell his arousal.

“I hope I get your attention first, doctor.” Peter grabbed a seat and took off his gloves. “You see, my uncivilized nephew here has stalked me since I left my place.”

“Ignore him, doc. He thinks I don’t have anything better to do.” Derek sat on the other chair and zipped down his jacket.

“You don’t have anything better to do. That’s why your Camaro was sitting in my parking lot.” Peter took off his coat to reveal his leather bracelets.

“That wasn’t mine.” Derek slipped off his jacket.

“Don’t even try to deny it. I saw the license plate!” Peter rolled up his sleeves. “In fact, looking at what you’re wearing, I’d say you even peeked inside my room!”

Derek rolled his eyes as hard as he could. Maybe he could get treated for this. “How does that even work? I stack up different types of clothes in my car and wait for you to change? And, do you really think I’d watch you get dressed and risk myself going blind?”

“Excuse you. Very few people get that honor.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought your bed never stayed empty.” Derek puffed out his chest that was trapped in a grey wife beater. He hoped that the holes looked fashionable.

Stiles didn’t care what they were arguing about. As far as he was concerned, his ears were feasting on the Hale voices and his eyes were getting blessed by the strip show. He just hoped that they would go all the way. It wasn’t his fault if his patients preferred getting treated in the nude.

“Tell me, doctor. Do you do house calls?” Peter pulled off his sweater. Rage made him hot. “These kinds of unpleasant situations could be avoided with house calls.”

“Sorry, no house calls.” Stiles only blinked when it was absolutely necessary. He didn’t want to miss a second of this torture in disguise. For now, he couldn’t decide if he was disappointed that a white short-sleeved shirt was hiding Peter’s chest or if he was glad that he could still breathe a little. Peter’s V-neck had the deepest neckline that he had ever seen, and that was including Mahealani’s shirts.

“Don’t you have a policy against people who only show up to waste your time?” Derek looked at the doctor and then pointedly at his uncle.

“Excuse you again. I have a legitimate reason to be here. If you’ve never been dead, you don’t get to talk about the symptoms. I think you’re the one who’s here with a fake problem.” Peter fisted his shirt.

“I don’t care what you think.” Derek adjusted his collar, the product of his first Google search. Was this really the most impressive leather item ever?

“If you have nothing to hide, why don’t you tell us the purpose of your visit?” Peter gave his nephew a suspicious look.

“I need the number for a therapist.” Derek fingered his holes.

“Huh, you’re not lying.” Peter rubbed his handsome chin. “Maybe there’s still hope for you, Derek. I’m pleased you finally admit you have a problem.”

“At least I’m not dead inside. Wait, I’m not dead on the outside either.” Derek flexed his triceps.

“If you must know, death has actually worked to my favor. My skin has never been more fabulous.” Peter caressed his flawless neck.

“Then why don’t you stay in front of the mirror all day? I’m leaving after I get that number. Doctor?” Derek looked at the mess sprawled on the chair. “Doctor…?”

“Huh…?” Stiles wiped the drool off his chin with the back of his hand. Then he opened the drawer and helped himself with a smelling salt capsule. “Sorry. You were saying?”

“That therapist you mentioned the other day. Can I have her number, please?”

“Oh, yes! Miss Morell. Let me write it down for you.” Stiles typed in a name on the computer while the Hales engaged in a staring match.

“I’ll let her know that I sent you. You’ll be in good hands.” Stiles wrote down the information with a trembling hand. He wondered if he had to cancel his subscription to ‘Monthly Howl’. Stiles Jr. already had enough material to last a whole year.

“Oh, shit…” He dropped the piece of paper and bent down to pick it up. That was when he spotted two pairs of leather boots. “Heep!”

The werewolves pricked up their ears. They had heard the doctor breathe in, but had he also breathed out? Derek was quick to look under the desk and Stiles panicked when their eyes met. He tried to sit up and banged his head on the underside of the desk. “Owww!!”

Stiles sat erect and put his head in his hands. Everything happened so fast. Someone pulled the front of his hair and put a hand on the back of his neck. But the hand was gone after he heard the door get yanked open. Then a painful sound filled the office, leaving a sick feeling in his guts.

Nobody spoke a word. Peter had his jaw in his hand and was looking at Scott as if he had insulted his high fashion. Scott was glaring daggers at him while Derek checked everyone’s face. Then there was Stiles who figured that he should get his lawyer’s number since he had already brought up his contact list.

“Ahahaha…” It was Derek who broke the silence. This was a true laughter therapy. “Hahahaha!”

Stiles looked at Derek in awe. He had a very nice laugh. Then he remembered that his nurse had just punched a patient. The avalanche had done its worst. “Scott, buddy, he was trying to take away my pain.”

“But you pressed the panic button! And, he was dragging you over the desk by your hair!”

“I didn’t mean to hit the button. It was an accident! I bumped my head under the desk.”

“Oh…” Scott turned to Peter with his tail between his legs. “I’m so sorry, sir. I had no idea. I thought my best friend was in danger.”

“They have lollipops, Peter. Why don’t you ask for one?” Derek grinned. He was having so much fun.

Peter wanted to tell Derek to shut it or he would claw his eyes out, but they were in front of the doctor. He had an image to uphold. So he swallowed his annoyance and looked at the nurse. “Don’t worry about it. It didn’t even hurt. And, it’s good to know that Dr. Stilinski is well-protected. After all, safety comes first.”

Stiles was reminded of condoms at the word ‘safety’ and couldn’t resist taking a look at Peter’s groin. He also eyed Derek’s shoulders for additional pleasure. It was too bad that Derek wasn’t standing.

“Uh, doctor?” Scott breathed through his mouth. “You want to take a break? The broom closet’s empty.”

Stiles’ cheeks flushed deep red. This was the worst day ever.

“I’m happy to help,” Peter offered and Derek snarled at him. Peter’s claws came out and Scott stood between them to keep things from escalating.

Stiles almost wished that Scott hadn’t been here. He imagined Peter and Derek fighting over him in a coliseum full of spectators chanting their names. He would wear a crown and watch the fight with his beautiful queen, Cora. Then he would declare both champions winners and have the dirtiest threesome in the history of mankind while his queen watched with a drink in her hand.

“I’m sorry, guys. Here’s your number, Derek. And, I’m sure Scott can help you with whatever problem you have, Peter.” Stiles couldn’t care less about the proper way of addressing a patient. He got up on shaky legs and ran out of the office.

“Gaaaahh!!” Perhaps he was the one who had to talk to Miss Morell.

teen wolf slash, beacon hills eye clinic

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