Mike's favorite hideout [1/4]

Jun 01, 2013 09:45

Title: Mike’s favorite hideout
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross (Pre-established relationship)
Other characters: Louis Litt, Donna Paulsen
Rating: R
Word count: 2,736
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: creepy Louis
Summary: Mike needs a new place to hide from a passionate senior partner. Donna happens to know just the right place for him.

Despite his shady past, Mike had become a true believer in hard work. Thanks to his mentor’s guidance, he now believed that hard work almost always paid off and hence encouraged people to go after their dreams. But he also knew that there was an exception to every rule. Thank God there was an exception! Because otherwise it meant that Louis would eventually get his hands on him, given all the work that he had put in.

‘Oh no, not again…’ Mike let out a sigh as he stared at the envelope lying on his desk. Unless he had a new admirer, Louis must’ve sent him another Shakespearean sonnet. The man hadn’t missed a single day for the past four days and the sonnet was never given to him in person. Wait. He had only been gone for a few minutes, so how had Louis known when to come over? Had he been lurking around? Or had he planted a bug in his cubicle?

Reminding himself to borrow Donna’s bug sweeper, he sat down and opened the envelope. No disrespect to Shakespeare, but he didn’t bother to read the sonnet. He went straight to the bottom of the letter and saw what he had expected: ‘Your biggest admirer, the newly appointed senior partner, L.Litt.’

Mike dropped his head with a thud. He had confronted Louis right away when he had received the first sonnet:

“Louis, do you have a minute? Norma let me in. She said you never do anything important anyway.”

“Pfft. That’s why that woman never gets any sonnets from suitable men. She doesn’t deserve Shakespeare.”

“Yeah, about that…”

“Did you like it, Mike? I know it’s a famous one and you probably know it by heart, but it’s a classic, you know.”

“Uh, I’m sorry, Louis, but perhaps you should stop sending me sonnets.”

“Oh, did I pick the wrong one? You didn’t like being compared to a summer’s day? I thought summer was your favorite season.”

“It is but… Wait, how do you know that? Urgh, forget that I asked. I don’t want to know. Listen, there’s no gentle way to do this.”

“Then don’t.”


“Mike, there are one hundred and twenty six sonnets to choose from. There has to be one that you’ll like! I’m not giving up on you so easily! Mark my words! I’m a senior partner now!”

And, that was that. Mike shook his head and tossed the letter into the waste basket. If it was just the sonnets, he wouldn’t have felt so helpless. But usually after the ninja delivery, Louis came to see his ‘favorite associate’. He kept ‘checking on’ him several times a day, providing him with mouthwatering desserts and spa coupons. (The former went to Rachel while the latter went to Donna.) Then there were the creepy smiles and waggling eyebrows that he really didn’t want to think about.

It was important to note that he didn’t just sit there and take it. He had tried out various hiding places -the file room, the copy room, and the library where everyone had to be quiet by default- but Louis didn’t seem to have any problem tracking him down. His only salvation was the fact that it was a Friday. He liked to think that Louis wasn’t obsessed enough with him to send sonnets over to his place during the weekend. He could only hope so…

With another long sigh, he packed up his things and headed to Donna’s area. If he played his cards right, she might let him share her desk.

A pleased smile found its place on Harvey’s face as he ran his fingers along his new desk. It was black and sleek and was more dependable than his older one. Should he feel the need to carry out his office fantasy, it would work like a beauty. Donna had smirked at the glass that covered a quarter of the surface while Mike had asked if the store hadn’t had any 1+1 offers. Jessica hadn’t seemed to be too happy to see that his desk was bigger than hers, but she had been too proud to admit that it bothered her.

He gave his desk one last pat before looking around. Everything in his office was perfect, including himself. But alas, the perfect moment was ruined once Louis’ face popped into view. He didn’t bother to hide his annoyance as he decided that he should build Donna a private restroom; he was tired of Louis taking advantage of her bathroom breaks.

“Hey, do you know where I can find your gorgeous associate? I need to see these chocolate melt on that cute tongue of his.”

“First of all, don’t talk about my associate like that. And, I don’t keep him on a leash, Louis. If he’s not in his cubicle, you’ll have to wait till he gets back.”

“Hmm, yeah… He’d look lovely on a leash, right? Black leather tight around his pale, pale neck. He’d look like…”

“That’s enough. Unless you’re going to pay my billables, I suggest you take your disgusting idea and yourself out of my office.”

“Oh, come on, Harvey. You’ve never thought about it? Seriously? If he was my associate, I’d be thinking about doing all sorts of things with him. I mean, imagine a late night at the office. Everyone else is gone and Mike is sucking cheese off his delicate fingers…”

“Louis! Do I have to repeat myself? Get out before I charge you.”

“Fine. Just tell him I’ve been looking for him if he stops by.” Louis glared at Harvey and stomped out like a petulant child.

“Hey, you can come out now. The coast is clear.” Harvey nudged his associate with his foot.

“Thanks but I’m good here. There’s a lot of space and the carpet is soft. I could spend all day here!”

“That’s ridiculous, Mike. You’re going to hurt your neck down there. Come out and work on the couch then.”

“That’s very sweet of you but I can’t take that risk. He comes out of nowhere! It’s really creepy.” Mike couldn’t help giving a full-body shudder. “By the way, I’m never eating cheese off my fingers again. Or chocolate for that matter. Never ever!” He emphasized, making his boss laugh.

“You could always sue him for harassment. He already has a mug shot. Why let it go to waste?”

“But he hasn’t caused me any real harm, unless you count me getting terrorized by his eyebrows. Besides, I don’t think this will go on for long. He knows I’ve been avoiding him as much as I can. He’ll get tired.”

“But you can’t stay down there, puppy. It’s distracting.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Harvey. I’ll make sure I don’t get in your feet’s way. I don’t want to end up being a kicked puppy.” Mike chuckled.

“That’s not the problem, Mike. I can see your eyes through the glass.”

“I’ll turn around then. You won’t even know I’m here.” Mike turned around and started to read the file in his lap.

Harvey sighed as he stared at the back of Mike’s head. This was all Donna’s fault. Some brilliant idea she had. He decided that she didn’t deserve a private bathroom after all. He just hoped that Louis would soon end his mad courting spree or that Mike would find a better hideout far away from his office.

Harvey’s hopes had been shattered when Mike kept showing up the next week. On Monday, he had popped his head in after six with a shy and embarrassed smile. On Tuesday, he had looked terrified and had stayed under his desk the whole afternoon. On Wednesday, Mike had already settled in when Harvey had strolled in around eight. So with a frown on his perfect forehead, he had offered to talk to Louis for everyone’s sake, especially his. But Mike had refused his help, saying that he knew how to take care of himself.

“Quick! Make some room for me!” Mike hurried to Harvey’s desk on a rainy Thursday morning. “Oh god, there has to be a tracking device somewhere inside me. Talk about harsh punishment for dozing off at work!”

“Mike, I hate to burst your bubble but this doesn’t qualify as taking care of yourself.”

“What are you talking about? You love to burst my bubble.” Mike manhandled Harvey’s chair and hid himself from view. “Hurry! Spread some papers over the glass!”

It only took Louis a few seconds to step inside the office. “Harvey, have you seen Mike? I’ve got him these soft briefs that make you forget you’re even wearing them. I can’t wait another minute to get his feedback.”

“He’s not here, Louis. I sent him out for an errand.”

“What kind of errand?” Louis hoped that Harvey hadn’t ordered Mike to do nasty things.

“To hire an assassin to get rid of you. I suppose he didn’t hire one just yet since you’re still standing there.”

A small chuckle slipped out into the air and that was when Louis spotted a head under the desk. “Wait. Is someone down there? Is that Mike? What is he doing there?!”

Harvey watched with amusement as Louis paled. “Well, what do you think he’s doing? Mike is on his knees to provide me with some excellent entertainment.”

Mike bumped his head on the desk, stunned at Harvey’s words.

“He’s still nervous. It’s only his third time and I can be quite a mouthful. I have high hopes for him today though. They say the third time’s the charm.”

Louis’ jaw dropped as his face grew impossibly red. “You… I… You can’t make him do things like that! It’s called sexual harassment!”

“It’s not harassment if both parties are willing. And, we’re very willing, aren’t we, Mike?”

Mike didn’t know how to respond so he gave a slight nod.

“I don’t buy it. It doesn’t look like he’s willing. You’re taking advantage of him!”

Louis took a step forward to rescue the puppy in distress which made Mike cry out, “I’m willing! Very! In fact, I’ve been thinking about this all day!”

Harvey barely managed to contain his laughter as Louis clenched his teeth and shook his fists. He was about to tell the poor man what he looked like when he felt a hand on his belt.

“Mike…?” Harvey pushed aside some papers to look at his associate. He was getting angry at Louis for making Mike feel like he had to push it this far. “We can’t do this while we have an audience. You told me you’d like to keep things between us, remember?”

Mike didn’t answer and focused on opening the belt buckle.

“Mike!” This time it was Louis who called him. “If you don’t want to go out with me, that’s fine. Well, it’s not fine but still, don’t whore yourself out to someone like Harvey.”

“Someone like me?” Harvey’s tone was sharp. “What’s wrong with me? And, I’ll give you the answer: nothing!”

“Mike…” Louis started again, completely ignoring Harvey. “If you stop for a moment and think about it, this isn’t what…”

The sound of the zipper getting yanked down froze the bulldogs in place. As Mike leaned closer to Harvey, Louis squeezed his eyes shut and turned around. He wasn’t going to watch his beautiful pony throw himself in the arms of his rival. No matter what Mike had said, this was still sexual harassment. It was better if he got started with the necessary paperwork. Mike was going to get the best lawyer to defend his honors in court.

“He’s gone, Mike. You can stop now,” Harvey squeezed the words out of him as Mike’s breath lingered over his crotch.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes… I’m sure he’s gone.” Harvey swallowed hard.

“No, Harvey. I meant, are you sure you want me to stop?”

Harvey’s breath got caught in his throat. What was Mike trying to say?

“I’m asking because from where I stand, or in this case, sit, it looks like I should carry on.”

Harvey heard the wickedness in Mike’s voice and tried to pull his chair back. But Mike was faster and wrapped his arms tightly around his legs. If he wanted to move his chair, he would have to drag Mike with it.

“Let go, Mike. You don’t want to do this.” Harvey tried to calm down. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see that Donna was giving him a devilish smile. Damn it. This was supposed to be about mocking Louis, not him!

“What if I want to?” Mike dropped a kiss on Harvey’s knee.

“Jesus, don’t do that.” Harvey gripped the arms of his chair.

“Should I go higher then?” Mike pushed Harvey’s legs apart and held onto his calves in case he tried to back away.

“Mike! You’re not listening.”

“No, you’re the one who’s not listening to your body, Harvey. I’m actually paying a lot of attention to it.” Mike let go of Harvey’s calves and ran his hands all over his thighs. He liked what he was touching; the muscles were strong and warm under the smooth suit.

Harvey realized that he could now pull his chair back but found out with shock that he didn’t want to move. Why was it so difficult to get the kid back on his feet? He looked down at Mike through the glass and saw the blue eyes twinkle with lust. Damn. He looked out of the office for help. But much to his horror, Donna was shaking her head with a big smile on her face.

“Harvey? Are you looking at someone else while I’m down here? Am I not doing enough to keep you interested?”

“No, I was just… Mmph…” Harvey had to bite his lower lip as Mike licked him through his pants. “Cut it out, Mike. We’re not going to do this. You work directly under me.”

“I know. I’m working directly under you.” Mike smiled gleefully. “Come on, Harvey. It’s not like anyone can hear you. The rain’s pretty deafening. And, since you already know I’d like to keep things between us, would you mind pulling down the blinds?”

Harvey had no idea how he had managed to push the button; Mike was licking him like an eager puppy with a bone.

“And, the intercom?”

“Oh no, you…” Donna’s words were soon cut off.

“And one last thing.” Mike looked up through the misted glass. “Are you sure we’re both willing?”

Harvey wondered when his associate had learned how to make him sweat like this. It was time to put him back in his place. “What do you think, Mike? If I wasn’t, I could’ve easily dragged you out and thrown you where I wanted.”

“Oh, so Donna was right,” Mike mumbled between licks.

“About what?”

“About how you want to throw me on your new desk.”

Harvey didn’t even want to know how she knew about his office fantasy. He was going to deal with her as soon as he was done dealing with Mike.

“Don’t worry, Harvey. I know they say reality can’t beat fantasy, but something tells me our chemistry’s going to be awesome.” Mike made a happy noise and moved on to sucking.

Harvey let out a deep sigh. His pants and boxers were getting impossibly wet, both from the inside and outside. “If you don’t make this good, you owe me a new pair of boxers.”

Mike arched his eyebrow as he adjusted his own pants. “Don’t you mean it the other way around? Shouldn’t I get you a new pair if I make it good? Or do you want me to swallow? Leave no trace behind?”

Thunder rolled just in time with Harvey’s loud moan. “Stop talking, Mike… Jesus, I didn’t even know you could talk like that.”

“Oh, Harvey, you have no idea how I can talk. Just let me wrap this up and show you more.” Mike’s eyes shone with excitement and that was the last thing that Harvey saw before he blissfully lost his mind.

mike's favorite hideout, suits slash

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