Jul 16, 2007 18:47
My weekend was pretty boring for the most part. Friday went to work came home and went to bed. Saturday woke up late and grandma sat. I did escaped to walmart for awhile and came back home and watch bad scifi movies. I ended the night playing pool and more tv. Sunday was probally least boring. It was my dad's birthday so we had a party. My cousins came down and we started the party. There was barbecue, cake, ice cream, and hyper babies. We swam, ate barbecue and pigged out on cake. Then, my dad and dewayne veged out on the couch and watched nascar. That was my weekend, fun, I know.
Today, I went to work. I dealt with the cute, the bad, and the downright nasty animals. I mean nasty as in spolied rotten dogs and cats. All in all it was an okay day. I saw the body builder who has used too many steroids. He is quite ill with bad colds and claims it is allergies. Yeah sure and the steriods have nothing to with it, sure. This guy got mad today and cussed out a fellow receptionist but he did it right infront of an elderly lady. The receptionist didn't take it at all. She let him have it. She is very much pregnant and he picked a bad day to yell at her. So anyways the rest of the day was a breeze. The last appointment was at 4:30, so I was thinking early yay. Well, I was sadly mistaken. We were planning on closing at 5:30 but one client waited until 6:45 to come pick up the dog. I have no patience for neither the husband nor the wife especially. The wife took her dog jogging in the middle of one of the hottest days. The dog couldn't walk when they were getting ready to leave. She had the dog on the asphalt path so long. The pads on the dog's paws were completely scorched and bloody. They still haven't healed yet. Her husband thought it would be no problem for his wife to come get Oreo at 6:30 even after we left him messages to be here by 6. We decided we would wait till 6 for them. No, no, you think she will make it by 6:30...erg.
So I finally leave for work and notice something wrong with my car's hood. Oh yeah, someone hit with something and now there is a dent and scratch down to the primer. But any how it has been an okay day. How was your weekend and monday?
bad pet owners,
birthday cake