I enjoyed Pinewoods English & American week -- and I will elaborate on that in a separate, soon post. But at the moment, I'll just say it re-ignited slightly dormant fascinations and aspirations in percussive dancing and contra calling; right now, I want to devote my time to practicing those skills...a lot. I've been sorely tempted to stay within the northeastern States for awhile.
But while chatting with a new acquaintance through lj (and come to think of it, through
sonatanator and Pinewoods, I've met a handful of people from Ann Arbor recently), I was glancing through pictures on my webspace and noticed one of my favorite pictures,
the Catalan political banners hanging alongside the stage of L'Acampada Jove. Suddenly, I remembered how right things felt in Spain last summer, how deeply and passionately I love my friends there.
I don't know which I want more -- to call contras or to listen to Els Pets under the stars. But now, I remember why I want to move to Spain.