Hahahaha.... Hay ya'll...

Jun 20, 2010 18:55


So I'm a bad person? Oh god, I know you guys have your own lives and totally don't judge, but I really do feel awkward about disappearing for like a million years.

ITACHI, you sexy beast, I've been particularly shamefilled over the fact that I never wrote to you to tell you how much I wanted to make sweet sweet love to you for writing that glorious camelotsolstice fic which was absolutely perfect AND which I pretty much chewed on for days and for which I started to write out this kind of overwhelming response to which I might never have finished and which I feel kind of truly awful for because my inability to finish things really truly doesn't reflect my feelings toward how much I absolutely fucking loved you for what you did with my prompts/requests, so... yes. This is really, really late in coming, and I'm very sorry for that, but you are the best. *Massive hugs and smooches your way*

Nothing special has been going on, otherwise. Same old, same old. Debate, school, hating my life at sbux. Lather, rinse, repeat. But then I got this awesome email notification in my school email account (which, I am so glad of the serendipity that inspired me to check a school account during the summertime, ding!) that the PORNATHON IS BAAACK. And I couldn't stay away any longer, pretending that research and debate work is all I want to do, when really, there is porn to be written and read. Lots and lots of glorious porn.

I've missed you guys. :( *hugs flist close to bosoms*

pr0nzathon, team greed ftw, teh life

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