Dec 08, 2004 21:19
Things have been going really well lately. I'm not sure if it's Ele's Place that's really helped me but I've just felt so much happier. It could be the fact that one of my Prof was saying how negative people tend to have higher stress levels which then often leads to heart disease...and that really got me thinking. I've really tried to take all the unneeded drama out of my life (well besides grams and gramps just cuz that will never not be an issue..but i really do understand where they're coming from).
Also..volunteering at Ele's has just made me realize that even though the kids in my group have so much crap going on in their lives, they have so much fun..and just because I'm older doesn't mean I can't! Being there has just made me see that my situation really isn't that crazy but also that I don't have to dwell on it or feel sorry for myself. I'm so sick of being selfish and sulking over the bad things that have happened that I'm finally excited for the future..but not to the point where thats the only place I want to be. I'm really just thankful for everyone I have in my life and all the things I have going for me. I love how all the "bitches" ignore my stupid mistakes and just laugh (quite a bit actually), how I can just call up Ash and things haven't changed at all, how Linzo will never pass up a chance to catch up while sipping a Starbucks, how Laura always knows what I'm thinking and how to respond, how KTB is my fashion consultant and sister, how all the boys love pushing my buttons and know that I'll fight (ok whine) back, how friends from the past can just pop up and remember the good things and push out the bad, how the Eurichs always make me feel welcome, how Matt can make me laugh no his face lights up when he sees he calls just to say he loves grams and gramps tell me they'll love me know matter how crappy I do in biology, yet refuse to let me give up...and mainly just the memories I have of my mom...I really have been I guess all I need to say is thank you everyone...i love all of you so much!