Nov 10, 2004 22:22
First off, I'm really not ready for it to be winter..thank god today was somewhat warm.
Ok funniest thing...watching Regis and Kelly this morning (instead of going to class) and Jones Soda is selling "Thanksgiving dinner" drinks...they seriously had a mashed potatoes drink, turkey and gravy, and green bean casserole!! SICK
Besides that, I was actually really productive...exam grades made me realize I need to get my act together if I want to go somewhere in life. Major bonus of today..bought some cute shirts (that was all for Ash)..had a peppermint mocha (only positive thing about winter coming)
...and then went to Ele's Place and got my ass kicked. You think I'm kidding...but 10 year old boys can be vicious, especially when you've only got an inch or two on them. I've really been trying to interact with the kids lately, so I decide to go play basketball (since I missed the first MSU game pissed) and two of the boys decide to gang up on me and chuck basketballs at my actually charged at me and shoved me in the stomach with the basketball (and the rest of his body). The girls started getting crazy and faking that they had heart attacks, mind you this is a sensitive issue at a grief that made one of the boys upset. There were a million other inappropriate things the kids were slammed into the other facilitors broken foot...great. Basically by the end of the night..Liz and I were trying to figure out if drinking on a Wed. would really be that horrible...seriously it was THAT bad. I guess the kids had fun??