
Mar 31, 2005 05:02

So here goes. Todays music is bullshit seriously!!! Especially the ones of R&B/Rap/HipHop. Now its all about SEX!!! Fuck, music use to represent more then just sex or getting high. It was to express feelings, to tell a story, moral lesson, etc. I was sitting in the car and Bone Thugs & Harmony was playing, talking about life and death. It use to mean something. Nows its like disgusting to find human race fascinated by this and wanting to hear it. Its understandable to listen to it when you feel like dancing up on someone. Thats understandable, it does have a good beat to be all grinding up and junk. But what is this shit to idolize singers? To bump this music everywhere?!? Stupid Fuck Heads!! Our music is just going down and humans are just disgusting. Everyone seems to be falling down into peer pressure. Don't fucking idolize a fucking song about SEX!! or DRUGS!! OR IDOLIZE THE SINGER/GROUP!!! GEt a fucking life.
Then theres the really sentimental music called "EMO" Where the fuck did this come about?? Really now is there not enough "depressed" teenagers to be shoving this into kid's head? I had an entry about emo earlier so I am not going to recap on that, but seriously emotional songs to an extent (limitations).
I miss some of the good old music. I wonder how that would work out if some music from the good old days sprung forth. Would people like it?
Don't get me wrong some love songs are good but I ain't gonna die if this person doesn't love me back!!! Stupid shit!! YOU DEPRESSED?? DONT LISTEN TO THINGS LIKE THAT!! GET SOME HAPPIER MUSIC!!! STUPID DEMENTED CHILDREN!!

So I hate humans in general. I still say we screw up this world! I say the Earth can do so much better without us. I think it would have lasted longer to. I hate human characteristics. I know i definately have some i hate in myself. All I can do is accept it. I will use stereotype!!! Those are majorities of the whole cutural things and basis of what we think is what is what now a days. I may not agree on it, but EVERYONE FUCKING DOES IT!! So don't go bullshitting on something about I hate stereotypes or labels!! Its HOW WE DESCRIBE EACH OTHER!! We do other shit with it too! I use it all the time! Accept it and take it to your advantage. I'm not going to say you are this fucking person (punk/gangster/whatever) I will however use your race to categorize you CAUSE YOU ARE THAT RACE!!! FUCK HEADS!! But if i do call you a punk or whatever you may be, I am not completely saying you follow these guidelines of a punk, but i will use it to describe you better and plus that you may have this quality in you more then the other stereotypes. I am always ready to be proven wrong, but I was never right to began with. Just opinionated.

Well to say, I see everyone as who they are, until you prove me fucking wrong with YOUR STUPIDNESS!!!

I like everybody, but I hate everybody.
I love music, but I don't revolve my world around it.
I love cats, but I love Dogs too.
I love Sleep, but sleeping wastes time for me to do other stuff.
I love to be clean, but I dislike bathing at times.
I love smelling people, but I hate smelling really bad BO to me.
I love Hairstyles even when there is no hair!

People just got to represent themselves well and have more confidence. Really now...you feel ugly and you think you are ugly you'll come out ugly. Turn your thoughts into i feel great. I feel beautiful then everyone will see it. I feel fat. I am fat. There are people who can wear that FAT and still look fucking SEXY!! Meat is good!! I hate twigs. I swear something is wrong with them. Its crazy to think that we use to find people who are big, BEAUTIFUL!! Why isnt it like that anymore? I don't mean fat in the way as in you are obese. I use fat in what today we would call "fat." Basically it means extra meat and not those twigs. I don't approve of Obesity where it harms your health. There is a difference. Plus whos gonna survive longer without food on a stranded island with no food? The skinny person or the fat person? The FAT PERSON Will, their own body can eat away at their fat and plus the twig can be eaten cause they can't overpower the FATNESS!!!! MUWHAHAH.

I love food even though i can't eat a lot. I love trying new food. I think thats the only things i love about different cultures. Different foods. Food is great. If you don't like food....ooo there is a big problem with you. You INSANE PERSON!!! MENTALLY ILL!! GO AWAY NOW!! YOU NO DESERVE FOOD YOU UNGRATEFUL THING YOU!!! STUPID FUCK HEAD!!
I'm hungry.... hahha Gluttony...however you may spell it is one of the 7 deadly sins. Good Stuff huh? But food should be cherished though...
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