Aug 22, 2006 01:39
sorry, needed to get that off my chest first. Am very excited, as have never really had a job before. Well, I have been paid for work I've done, even in a pre-arranged salary kinda fashion, but never a "you work from '...' to '...' and we will pay you" job. makes me happy. Plus, I actually really like the people I work with, and am working at a Rec Center which means: *bum* *bum* *bum* I get to swim laps before work every day!!! fun, eh?
So, a little recap of my first day at work, as was somewhat interesting:
The day started @8:30AM when I woke up, took a shower, ate a Ham, Mayo, and Rye bread sandwich, and spent the rest of the interim between waking and being required on campus reading more of Neil Gaiman's Sandman (which is fucking awesome, by the way)before riding my bike to the Reily center to get info on how to apply for specific hours. Then, on my way home (pretty much as soon as I left, I think), my back tire went flat, and I proceded to ride it the rest of the way home... Played around for a bit, read more sandman, played on my cello a bunch, ate an Andouille Sausage sandwich, and then signed up for the 4-8 shift and headed onto campus after pumping my back tire back up. Now, as I neared my destination (about 4 blocks away), I started to hear this rythmic *pop*-ing sound shortly followed by what sounded like a gunshot but was, in fact, my back tire exploding, sending me flying forward about 3 feet... So I rode it the rest of the way there, which was somewhat awkward, and wished the bike (a katrina rescue) a good death, before removing my chain and lock from its rusted corpse and proceeding to work... From then on, it was pretty much just meeting fun new people and getting introduced to the routing of working the front desk, which was cool. They ordered chinese food, but I didn't join in that particular endeavor as have no money to speak of at the moment... Oh well, that's what jobs are for. to get that $20 bucks from chris so that I can at least get beverages or something at my next shift...