Facts, if you believe in that sort of thing.

Aug 03, 2006 20:17

  1. On Saturday, we parked at 11:15 AM at 15th and Olive.
    1. I looked behind me to see if my ass was in the crosswalk, and saw out the window to the construction next door to our new apartment.
    2. I remember coming back to the car to get a check, and only walking to the corner.
    3. As we turned the corner down Olive towards Broadway at 11:30ish, I double-checked that my car wasn't in the crosswalk.
  2. That block is a 2 hour zone.
  3. At 12:15 or so, we came back up Olive to find the car not where either of us expected it to be.
  4. I walked halfway up Olive towards 16th, but realized we had definitely not walked that way. We walked up and down 15th, where we had parked earlier that morning.
  5. When I retrieved the car, it appeared to be in perfect condition, with nothing missing from the cabin nor trunk, nor did it appear to have been "tossed."
  6. The police report claims it was found 1 block up the hill, on the 1600 block of Olive
    1. Walking up to that block, I was convinced that I'd never walked on it before in my life.
  7. The ignition is fine. There are no loose wires below the dash. The steering wheel lock is functional. The coil is hidden from view in my engine compartment.
  8. The gas is about where it should have been, and the milage is as well.
  9. edit -- thanks qous The battery was at some point disconnected, as all of the presets are gone on my stereo.

There is one very simple explanation for this situation, but I'm not willing to accept it. That is, the easiest way to explain this is that I forgot where I parked, and when a cop finally came by to ticket it they saw that it was reported stolen and ordered it towed. However, I have never lived in a city which wasn't very proactive in ticketing in busy areas with time limits. It's just too much income to pass up. My car would have had to sit on the street for 3 days before someone finally noticed it.

So what the fuck happened?

car, mystery, seattle

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