Feb 26, 2009 07:39
You know..
Yesterday was kind of a good/bad day.
A friend of mine had his Wii with Brawl in it stolen. So there's a whole drama thing going on in the group. I didn't steal it obviously. I didn't really have the chance to talk to David, that friend of mine. I wanted to talk to him about his missing Wii, I wanted to offer him our Wii that we have. I'm sure my brothers will mind at first but I'll just buy another one with Brawl when the time feels right. I feel really bad for the guy and his twin brother. They're really nice people, and I know they don't have the money to get another one plus they live in a very dangerous area (Compton) and lost families members to shootings and and it's just horrible.. I need to talk to him today to see how he is feeling and stuff.
Later that day I went out with some friends and ate at a restaurant called Koji Buffet with Stanley, Albert, and another guy I don't remember his name at the moment. We also stopped by Mitsuwa to take a look at the japanese stuff, had some sushi, and then stopped by a buffet place and OMG So good. They have a policy that all the food must be eaten otherwise you'll be charged. SO, because someone grabbed too much and I had to stuff myself with some good Korean BBQ and sushi in order to save money, bwaha! |D~ After that walked over to 7-Eleven and then went back to our cars and just talked about all the drama stuff going on.
There's no avoiding drama is there? It's everywhere! So yeah, there are talks about today being a violent day. Hopefully I can prevent things from getting worse. Anyhow, we'll see what happens.
Hope everyone is having a decent time. Sorry I haven't been able to catch up with reading the LJs. I'll try to post pictures of some of the people in the group. ;)