(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 21:50

ok, so let me start this off by saying that i'm not writing this to make anyone feel sorry for me...i'm just doing it because i need to vent somewhere to someone...and right now i can't talk about this in person without crying..so that isn't an option.

so for those of you who don't know, last semester i agreed to help out some of my friends who wanted to live in the apartments on campus, but didn't have enough people at the time. so i let them put me in the apartment after they promised that if i got charged they would pay me for it. that was the only reason i agreed to it. now i know that none of us actually thought that would happen, but it did. and res-life would not let me pull out of housing, so now i'm being charged $6000 for the room that i am not living in since i'm living off-campus. and by the time i got the decision, it was too late to find anyone who could live in my off-campus house. and obviously i chose to live there since that was the plan all along.

well i did everything i could to get out of housing after that so those girls didn't have to pay. i e-mailed the director to see if he would change his mind, and i met with him. none of that worked, they stuck to their decision. so all of the girls agreed to pay me, and i thought it was over.

well imagine my surprise when i found out last week that now the girls (the ones i'm not friends with) didn't want to pay me anymore because they couldn't afford it. now keep in mind that they have known about this since the beginning of march and have known since the beginning of july that i was being charged for housing.

so i found out last thursday that now the girls want me to meet with the dean of students to see if she can get my money back. now of course i want to do everything i can to help them because i feel so bad asking them for money, but it was the agreement. and i'm so fucking tired of this situation. so basically i don't want to waste my time talking to her if she can't do anything. i'm sick and tired of people telling me that they sympathize with my situation but they can't help me. i don't want to be told no again, because this is getting ridiculous.

meanwhile, while i was trying to sort all of this out, my parents had to pay my bill for this semester...which was $3000 for housing. so they've been bugging me about getting the money ever since.  and to top it all off, my mom called me today to tell me that they need the money soon because they can't afford to pay their bills this month. and then she started crying on the phone, which made me start crying out on the commons....which was not fun. and then i was on the verge of tears all through choir, but now i'm better.

i just feel so bad that my parents have to suffer through my stupidity to agree to help out my friends. and they don't deserve to have to go through this. and since they had to pay that,  i've been paying my bills and my rent, so i'm gonna be broke pretty soon too if this doesn't get worked out. i haven't been able to do anything fun because i've had to worry about saving money to pay all of my bills...i feel like i'm not gonna see any of the money that i made this summer.

but i do have some hope. when i was in the shower today i was thinking a lot about all of this. and i made a connection with the episode of boy meets world that i saw today. eric was depositing money from his job in the bank, but when he got to the bank, there was an organ grinder who told him a story about how he needed money to bring his monkey's girlfriend over from some other country. so eric gave him the money and the man promised to repay him. and everyone gave eric a hard time and told him he was stupid for trusting the man. but in the end the man was true to his word and paid eric back all the money he lent to him. so hopefully this will work out the same way for me. but you never know.
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