For My Estranged Father, A Sonnet

May 02, 2009 20:09

I throw words away: here's the next to die
Fighting to be heard. There is no reason why
This one has more hope than any other.
Were I dead and he alive, my brother
Would just as likely be resigned, pissed off.
But he wouldn't call you on this, he'd just cough
And look away, uncomfortable. Would
You rather remain mute, misunderstood?
When you had one family you could not
Afford to care. It seems like you forgot
And started another at their expense.
Tell me, please, how any of this makes sense?
I'm sad; I don't know how to yell at you.
Instead of ire, this grief will have to do.

I know the second line has eleven syllables and doesn't quite scan. Concrit is welcome anyway.

EDIT: Does this come across as harsh? Is there language I should change to make the poem sit more on the border between angry and resigned sadness?

EDIT 2: Changed the wording in a few places; how's that?

deeply personal, poetry

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