Sep 20, 2005 14:23
I remember back when I used to update lj on a regular basis (regular is being misused; all I really mean is often). It's so much harder now to want to write things and even to know what to write. The audience is so much more varied than it used to be (existent, too) and my level of closeness and comfort with everyone is different and the context for them (you?) to have in their (oh, pronouns) heads when reading, or then encountering me in real life? is like so much more difficult to think of, and really, do I even have anything interesting to say? (the implied answer is no, I think)
There is not enough beauty in my life at Carleton, by which really all I mean, I think, is that I don't take the time to see all the things that are beautiful. I want to be more satisfied, again, though satisfied still isn't the right word - that class that I'm taking that I almost wish I weren't taking, they talked about satisfaction as a step down from contentment, the words are so amazing (but maybe it's just that people are so amazing) and I suppose English really does have tones but it's so subtle. I imagine it's subtle for Chinese folks, too. But anyway. I am too absent, in everything.
The holes in my pants are growing.
I think I'll go for a walk.
I really do like learning things, but I think maybe I prefer learning to do things? Go liberal arts education, yo.
I am like way looking forward to going to Japan, at least I am on the other side of being a little bit (vaguely and distantly) nervous. Exploring is so much more alive than not, and independence, and not having a schedule, and not having requirements, and freedom, and good company, and someplace new, and not worrying about it (really, not worrying about it).
Before I started typing, there really were things I kinda wanted to say. If I think of them, I'll come back.