Big. Whopping. Headdesk.

May 03, 2005 20:06

One more Music Man rehearsal and I might just jump off a cliff. I swear, what happened to motivation? I mean, it's been aggravating since the very beginning, but when we've never yet had a full cast rehearsal and are three rehearsals away from performance, I think I'm entitled to my anger. And I know Liz'll be angry at me for saying this, but frankly at this stage they simply cannot be missing rehearsals. Especially to watch a fashion show.

I mean, we were missing our Marian, Gracie, Zaneeta, two of the pick-a-little ladies and one of the quartet. Note: THREE REHERSALS AWAY. And this was nothing. A little while ago we had 45% of the cast, and our Marcellus walked in an hour late for a bloody Ultimate Frisbee game, and then just didn't bother going on stage because he didn't know the lines anyway (after I had to remind him it was his cue anyway). Now, I love Frisbee, but this is a JUST NO moment. And he's going to London tomorrow...missing every rehearsal until Monday, the day before we go on, and is claiming that he'll only make the last half hour.

No one knows their cues, especially our quartet, and almost no one can make it through the play without prompts. I should have taken a Megan Hollinger approach from the very beginning, warning people that they actually do have to come to rehearsals, and know the play. Honestly, if she saw what's going on she would cry. I'm just the stage manager, but I have put so much into this play that I simply will not let those kids go on stage looking as stupid as they're going too. I WILL NOT let that happen, not after all that work that Heather (the director), Sarah (our youth advisor, sort of acting as a supervisor), and I have put in.

At least they all managed to get their costumes...

In other news, I remarkably discovered that I gained 15 pounds since I started trying to lose weight four months ago. Does that make any sense to you? You would think at the worst I would have maintained my weight...but no I somehow managed to gain almost a pound per week. I mean, I can't even just brush it off as muscle clothes aren't fitting so great I'm beginning to think the only thing left is to stop eating...period.

::Headdesk:: I am currently sustained by the reminder that I got texted by Frodo today...four days...
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