Gabe and his girlfriend (or not) are fighting again. I woke up last night to hear him crying and yelling into the telephone, "What did I do?" Lynn finally made him go outside. The only reason I bothered to write about it is because Lynn and I started to talk about it this morning, and I started thinking about love and life and what makes it go
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Creating that distance also makes someone realize just how much he needs you in his life. Most people fear distance because they are afraid of never getting back what they originally had. That is one of the scariest things imaginable. The same goes for friendships. The most dynamic friendships stand the test of time because people do not need to spend every second together. Distance is the most difficult thing to create because when we feel like we're losing someone, we tend to cling to them for dear life, thus suffocating them even more. While we strive to get to know someone, we in turn make things a little not-so-exciting because our lives are so readily available to each other. It's a double-edged sword.
I really care about someone, and in the past two weeks, he and I have gotten insanely close. I believe since my birthday, we have spent 12 out of the last 14 days either talking on the phone or hanging out. A bit much maybe? I want to continue to get to know him, I really like him, but I fear I'll give him the wrong impression if I attempt to spend some time away from him. And lately we've been talking about going to FRANCE together. What the heck?! It's intense. And scary at the same time.
Mystery is so key. SO key to success in love.
I'm glad things are still going well for you and Dave. I think he is perfect for you.
And hey! This is totally off-topic, but is it possible if I could get an estimate from him for a paint job for my car? Just let me know where to go and when to go, because I REALLY need my car painted. :P
I miss you girl! Thanks for remembering me on my birthday. I hope you had a grand ol' time, drinkin' it up. I shall give you a call sometime soon. It's been awhile.
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