Mar 13, 2004 17:51
I am so happy Ivan is not going to Puerto Rico now. It's nice to know I won't lose my best friend to the DEA! I went to a great concert last night. It was just local bands but i really had a great time. I went with eric and trina. we met a few people and there was this girl there that kept looking at me- she was totally hot too! i have a date for next weekend though with bonnie and i am totally looking forward to that. GLOBES is going to see the passion of the christ on tuesday and then i have to run the meeting solo on wednesday cause brad's sister is giving birth and he wants to me there. I am also getting my cell phone on wednesday. i am so tired of not having one. i got so attached to my old one. don has that family plan thing and he and brad have that but there is like 2 other phones he has on the plan and wants ivan and i to have them. so i was like- hell i might as well. i don't have to pay for anything and i only have to share like 5000 minutes. i got it made. i am going to a lucky boys confusion concert tomorrow night. my friend jennifer got some tickets from her friend kaitlyn and she offered one to me for free. so she's picking me up and we're gonna party all night! well off to do more of nothing...maybe i'll go visit ivan at the Gap...uh huh!