(no subject)

Oct 22, 2003 23:20

i saw mi cucaracha outside my english class today, she teased me, dancing, playing and smiling at me. The way she played, it reminded me of a poem by Robert Burns
i think it starts out "where are ye goin', mah sweet bonnie lass", but i couldn't remember the rest of it. I was looking for it online and couldnt find it, Burns has written like 500 poems....But i happened to find this one, which i think is kindof funny, considering the circumstances

Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie?
Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie?
Well thou know'st my aching heart,
And canst thou leave me thus, for pity?

Is this thy plighted, fond regard,
Thus cruelly to part, my Katie?
Is this thy faithful swain's reward-
An aching, broken heart, my Katie!
Canst thou leave me

Farewell! and ne'er such sorrows tear
That finkle heart of thine, my Katie!
Thou maysn find those will love thee dear,
But not a love like mine, my Katie,
Canst thou leave me
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