Apr 26, 2003 10:56
I just saw one of the sadest things I've ever seen on TV ever. I was watching maury "Caught on tape" because I had absolutely nothing better to do and they were investigating this woman who worked at a retirement home because one of the people she took care of had scratches and bruises so they set up a video camera in this guy's room. And this woman walked in and grabbed him by the hair and started punching him in the face as hard as she could. And it was so terrible, because it said that this guy was 100 years old and he was so tiny and feeble that he couldn't fight back or do anything. So this chick just keeps wailing on him and kicking him and this poor old man is screaming in pain but he couldn't do anything. His legs were like as thick as my arms. So he just kept taking it for like an entire minute and totally got the shit beat out of him. I couldn't believe when it was over. I hated the humanity. What kind of person would beat the hell out of a tired old man. It was sick. Anyway thats what happened. I'm scarred of getting old!