
Mar 07, 2006 08:58

Thanks! Thanks for nothing
I've taken all you got and started walking,
Not broken, still standing,
Been ripped apart, but now I'm demanding

So, i havent really talked about what happend between Autry and i on lj, or any internet tool. so, i guess i will kinda give you the jist: we had a falling out, a disagreement. i feel that i have been wrongly accused, and believe that i should not be bashed for having my own oppinion. i am my own person with my own thoughts, i dont have to agree with everything she says/does, and i dont feel that if a best friend decides to drop everything we had cause of one, stupid thing, and argue about it over the internet, they arnt really worth the time.

i was listening to XM radio lastnight and an old favorite song came on and it totally reminded me of everthing that has gone on... so here it is.

Looking at you now, remember how you gave me shit,
And I made lemonade out of it
Pass me the sugar and things still won't be right!
Look what you've built, now are you proud of your deceitful quilt
Well I won't cover myself in it, the warmth has just been choking me!

Thanks! Thanks for nothing
I've taken all you got and started walking,
Not broken, still standing,
Been ripped apart, but now I'm demanding
No more shit, this is it
I am leaving for myself and no one else
So long, been swell, see you in hell!

What would you say? Can't hear
you buried in the lies that you've laid.
I'm breaking myself away from that chain, to bad you don't understand why
I'm walking away, and if you're lucky then someday I may
Possibly forgive you for all of it.
But not today, BUT NOT TODAY!

P.s. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out today, i just bought it and am now going to have a great morning and watch it while having my morning coffee. *smile!*
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