I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about it as that greeting would indicate, but I'm trying my damnedest to put a good face on it.
Last night was spent working on Vivaldi.
Joyous, that was. Finally had to put the headphones on so I could turn it up loud enough to find the alto line. *shakes head* why on earth was I born with this low voice rather than highpitched girlie voiceness?
*le sigh*
i guess I wouldn't quite be ME otherwise, would I?
Neither T nor E returned my phone calls as of yet, no surprise there... testicular fortitude being in such short supply and all...
Oh well. talking to a very nice individual in IM (hi,
zzyzx!) and am fixin' to go to class.
Only 4 classes left until I get 2 weeks off (in which to totally jack up my sleep schedule and lose all of my self-discilpine...)