So the last 12 hours have been odd, to say the least.
uncertn called last night to let me know that Dad was dead. I was sort of a part of the family for years, and never having actually had a father myself, I was sort of 'adopted' by Dick. Or Richard... I could never call him Dick unless I was pissed off at him.
You don't realize *insert unarticulable sentiment here* until something like this happens.
Ok, so after that, a huge monsoon-ey storm rolls in and it rains like cats and dogs, lightning and thunder and whatnot. Which, as you know, is not normal for here.
*insert some sleep*
Then I wake up to find a text message from Zeke via LJ, which was like whoa.
THEN, to make things even weirder, I come to school, find out that I get to re-take the math test that I bombed on Monday (YAY). Considering that I will not accept a crap GPA, that is good. I can't get less than a B in any of my classes, so a retake is a good thing.
Moving on, I go to the music building to talk to Murray about dropping my piano class. I decided last night that I just don't have it in me right now with everything else that's going on. It's just too much... and my hands were cramping from practicing so much and I still don't have it down, and the exam is scheduled for Thursday, which is tomorrow, and yeah, that's not going to happen. I'm not going to cripple myself for this class. I'm going to take it in the fall instead, when there's TIME involved.
Note to self: do not take math or piano over the summer.
Anyway, while Murray and I are in the office filling out the paperwork I mention that I'll pick it back up in fall. He chose that moment to drop the "I got another job and I'm moving to California so this is my last session teaching here" bomb on me and I'm like WHOA.
So yeah, good luck, hugs, etc. and I'm on my merry way.
Not to dwell on our odd working relationship, but this does resolve some of my dilema regarding his attitude and what to do about it.
benevolentdiety will recall the conversation in Lowe's a few weeks back, and probably make some sort of snidely superior "well now that worked out for the best, didn't it" comment, to which I will respond with a "yes dear" and not kill him for it, because he is one of the few people I know who can get away with being as arrogant as me.
Run-on sentence, much?
I'm hungry. All this weirdness is giving me an appetite.