Oh, the agony...
My sides hurt.
"Because, you know, when TEH BIG BAD GAYS!!11 started getting married in Massachusetts, all of the straight married couples started running naked through supermarkets and wife-swapping in their minivans, and then everyone started living in caves and the entire state finally imploded, leaving a giant, smoking crater."
A la
graspingbeauty, in regards to
this bit of lunacy. Had a pretty amazing night last night. Details shall not be forthcoming. Some things are best left... where they originated.
I did get to eat goodgood Indian food (Chicken Tikka Masala and a whole bunch of other goodness that I don't have names for) at Pasand (McClintock and Baseline, and then, because my check came yesterday, I went SHOPPING and bought stuff for the house, like laundry detergent... only I bought the supermega size at Costco and that was teh goodness.
I also found yoga pants at Target for $5.74, and I was not angry at that. T found me a flamingo t-shirt (pink sparkles) for $3.94 as well, and I couldn't not buy that. Pink sparkles!
Life is pretty ok right now.