(no subject)

Nov 05, 2004 23:28

wow never though i would do one of these...well i went to an sja foot ball game and clilled wiht mike it was so fricken aweomse

~have You Ever~
[been in love]: nah
[cried when someone died]: yeah
{fallen four your best friend]: I don’t think so
[ever rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: no
[ been cheated on]: yeha
[done something you regret]: oh yeah

~ number~

[of times i have had my heart broken]: once
[of hearts ive broken]: none I think
[of guys ive kissed} one
{of continents ive lived on] 1...
[of close friends]: 1 Natalie I think
[of scars on my body]: I don’t have one
[ of things in my past that i regret]: 12937509814327543509832745827345734 x more

~ lasts~
[last car ride]: coming home from sja foot ball game
[last kiss]: I am not even going to talk about it
[last movie]: Shark Tale
[last beverage drunk]: Water
[last food consumed]: Double stuffed Oreos
[last phone call]: Josh M.
[last shower]: last night
[last cd played]: Reggae Mix
[last annoyance]: my brother
[last soda drank]: Coke a Cola Classic
[last ice cream eaten]: like two das ago
[last time scolded]: this morning
[last shirt worn]: oneill
[last website visited]: livejournal
[last person you were thinking of]: mike
[last person cried over]: cant remember

~Put An X Next To The things you’ve Done~
been drunk
kissed a member of the opposite sex-x-
kissed a member of the same sex
crashed a friends car
been to Japan
rode in a taxi
been in love
had sex
been dumped
snuck out of the house
been caught masturbating
been arrested
had a crush on your teacher-x-
celebrated mardi-gras in new York
been to Europe
skipped school

>>Last Person who
1. slept in your bed: My Uncle Joey and aunt Michelle
2. made you cry: my mommy
3. you shared a Drink w/: water with Rachel
4. you went to the movies w/: my family
5. went to the mall w/: cant even remember the last time I went to the mall
6. Yelled at you: Mommy
7. sent you a comment 0n kanga: WHAAAAA?
8. said his/Her was gnat Kill you: cant say I have heard that

>>have you ever. said
1. Live you and meant it: I have never said it
2. gotten into a Fight: yea
3. been to new York: yes
4. been to Florida: i live in Florida...
5. been to Coli: nope
6. been to Hawaii: lived there for 6 years
7. bEen to Mexico: nope
8. bEen to china: nope
9. danced naked: hash no...
10. get a Really bad Feeling but something then it happened: yes.
11. had an imaginary frowned: YES

>>this 0R tHiS
1. red or blue: red
2. spring oR fall: spring
3. Santa oR Rudolph: Santa
4. math 0R English: English
5. what are you gnat d0 after tHiS survey: sleep
6. wHaT was the Last food you ate: check mix
7. HiGhScHo0L 0R college: high school
8. arm you bred: yeah when I am not having fun
9. how many Buddies aRe online: 19
10. LaSt movie you saw: shark tale
11. LaSt noise you heard: my step mom saying good night
12. Things you Like in a girl/guy: in guy, they have to be super funny!! And really nice to me and shares the same interests as me
13. d0 you have a Crush 0n Someone: YEP I DO
14. does he/she know: sadly, no
15. whets His/her name: @#k#
16. what book aRe you Reading new: their eyes were watching god
17. Favorite magazine: surfing and surfer
18. wHaT d0 you d0 First thing in ThE m0rNiNg: go to the bathroom
19. FuTuRe dAuGhTeR/s0n nAmEs: Ezekiel or Isaiah
20. cHoC0LaTe 0r VaNiLLa: chocalate

>>you would
1. sLeEp WiTh a sTuFF aNiMaL: yes
2. m0sT wAnTed j0b: marine biologist
3. wRiTE wiDD y0uR LeFT oR RigHT: right
4. d0 you tyPe wiDD y0uR FiNgErS 0n tHe riGht kEyZ: sometimes
5. wAtS uNdEr thE bEd: boxes
6. fAv0riTe brAcEleT/WaTcH: my hemp bracelet
7. HaiR c0LoR: brown
8. eYe c0LoR: brown
9. cUrReNt hEiGht: 5'2 and a half!!!!
10. gLaSs3s/c0ntAcTs: neiter I have good vision
11. siBLiNgs: 1 real one aadn 2 step
13. aNy piErciNGs: ears
14. bEsT frowned: Natalie I think
16. tAtT0o: nope
17. h0BbiEs: surfing
18. 0n tyMe 0r aLWAys LatE: on time
19. joB: none
20. d0 you LiKe bEiNg aRouNd PpL: love it to peices

1. hAvE yOu EvEr LoVed s0mEoNE tHat you hAd n0 cHAnCe wiTH: no
2. hAvE you CriEd oVer a guy: yes
3. d0 you hAvE a "tyPe" oF peRs0n you aLWaYs go AfTer: not allways
4. eVeR LiKe a cLoSe bOy FriENd: yes
5. eVeR aFriAd you w0nT gEt MarRiEd: naw..ill get married
6. d0 you want to get MaRriEd: yes
7. d0 you wAnT KiDs: yeah..like 2..a boy and a girl

1. r0om iN y0uR hOuSe: mine
2. tYpE oF muSiK: reggae and 80’s
4. mEm0Ry: when I caugh my first wave
5. c0L0R: blue
6. pErFUmE: velocity
7. fL0wEr: wild flowrs
8. m0nth: setember
9. sEaSon: SUMMER
10. LoCaTioN: beach

>>in the Last 48 Hours, Have You
1. Missed someone: yeaa
2. hugged someone: yes
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