Jan 28, 2007 21:50

Well this weekend started out good. I had a meet with tthe equestrian team in OHIO. and it was so much fun. I got good horses both timesi placed 5th in both shows. it was the 5 hour ride home that sucked.. not the ride its self actually but the fact that i had food poisoning or the stomach flu . Every 20 mins we were stoping so i could puke or go to the bathroom or both.... by the time we reached big rapids and i went to the ER i was so dehydrated that i had to have IV's but the couldnt find any veins cause of the severe dehydrations so i was turned into a pincusion. i think i made it to my bed about 2:30 am. im feeling a little better today!!! i think i must have lost 10 pounds its amazing what one day os illness can really do to your body. i have a long day of classes tomorrow..... 10am-8pm with no breaks. i can do it though....hopefully
well off to  rest more
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