Feb 14, 2011 09:27
Spent yesterday and the night before quite sick. Doing better today, although woke this morning with a massive headache; some tea seems to have helped so I was probably dehydrated and/or needed some caffeine or something. Back also hurts but that's probably from sleeping on the couch. (Because that's where one sleeps when one is sick.)
My big project this weekend was going to be cleaning out my fridge, but I think I'll wait to make sure I can stomach it. Maybe I'll clean out my work bag, less gross and still needs to be done. Somewhat desperately. Yeah. Go me!
Sister-girl cracked her tailbone. (Or, as she's been describing it, she "broke [her] butt." Always classy, the _Bandit family.) Also, my niece has finally decided that walking is a good form of travel. Yes, this is a bad combination, and yes, my niece is already taking advantage of her mother's limited mobility.
Let's see, what else? I started The Golden Compass, and yes, I'm aware that I'm several years behind on the trend. I also purchased Henning Mankell's Faceless Killers because it's supposed to be The Thing to Read after Stieg Larsson's series. I'm skeptical, since the characters were the reason I loved that series, but we'll see, and anyway I need to read more stuff that we actually carry in the store. :P Recently finished Memoirs of a Geisha, which was . . . okay. I found Sayuri/Chiyo to be a bit too detached for me to get, well, attached, and character attachment is usually what makes me fall for a book (or TV series, or movie, or . . .)
My instant devotion to Artie led me to become an obsessive WH13 fanatic, Lisbeth Salander made me love Stieg Larsson's books, my fascination with Spock kept me interested in Star Trek TOS, then Data in TNG and the Doctor in VOY. Fargo in WH13 was so adorkable I started watching Eureka. To say nothing of the Doctor in Doctor Who (Nine was my first ♥). I almost always fall in love with the rest of the characters (and what can I say, I love an ensemble cast) and sometimes that first character doesn't even stay my favorite, but there's usually one that really grabs my attention enough to keep going.
Don't get me wrong, other things are important, too--character chemistry/interaction is a big one, humor, style, but it's usually one character to start with.
What about you? What usually gets you into a fandom or whatever? Any instant character loves you'd like to discuss? I'm all ears. (Which makes it hard to drink my tea, let me tell you.)
EDIT: also, LJ has games now and that makes me lol.
discussion questions,