September 16, 2007

Feb 11, 2008 23:41

A beautiful warm and sunny day in Sydney. 
Perfect motorbike riding weather.

The group of riders were all excited about the ride, we were heading to the south coast to a popular pub known as "The Husky" for lunch. 
Stops along the way were planned, we were going to ride through the southern highlands stopping at a place called the Pie in the Sky along the way. This is one of my favourite stop off points, they make really good hot chocolate and custard tarts, this was to be my breakfast and I could almost taste it as we were leaving the main streets of Sydney.

I was a pillion on my mate Pete's Harley sportster, this was going to be fun. Pete is a great rider and his bike is built to handle the winding roads that we would be travelling on.

This should be a happy memory of a great day out with good mates.

This was the day that I wouldn't come home. This was the first day of the start of a life that is changed forever. This is the day that haunts me still. This is the day that I had to make a slight change of plans...........

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