Aug 01, 2008 20:08
With a month an a half left of summer, I figured I should compile a list of everything I've been meaning to do this summer. If any of them sound like fun to you, you're welcome to join me in adventuring:
1. Visit the Harbor Islands. I meant to do this last summer. I've no clue what they're like, or what's there, but, hey, they're islands. In a harbor. Neato.
2. Visit Fort Independence. Seems like a great place to take photos.
3. Go to Dancing on the Charles. Only one left, right?
4. Explore Southie and JP. I work in Southie, but I've never ventured further than the courthouse and ICA (except for St. Patrick's Day). I've been to JP all of once. I spend so much damn time in Allston/Brighton, Back Bay, Downtown and Cambridge - it'd be nice to see something else in (or around) Boston.
5. Go to the beach. Not in formal attire this time.
6. Go to the North End for one of the Feasts. Caught the end of one last year, and it was really neat.
7. RESTAURANT WEEK! Perhaps with the lovely and talented Miss Viv.
8. Go somewhere, anywhere, that is not in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. 'Nuff said.
There's probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I am open to other ideas for summer adventures, especially from people who wish to go on adventures themselves.