Apr 04, 2004 13:33
WOW I have a lot to talk about!
The sleepover was pretty cool, We rented Detroit Rock City which is a TziTe movie. We watched old school too, worked on a couple of our songs, And slept in.
Its kind hard remembering everything we did before the concert because I can't get the show out of my head.
We arrived at Marquee theater and there was a lot more people then I expected. I don't know why I would think there wasnt goin to be so much because the Vines and Jet kickass.
Surprisngly there was a lot of people there for The Living End.
There was four bands and each of them kicked ass in there own way.
*Neon- Kinda like a radioheadish but more heavy band, good vocals some cool riffs, AWESOME drummer, and WAY hot Bass Player *drools*
*The Living End- AWESOME, There CD is okay, But Live they pawn so much, The guitarist is amazing, he and the drummer did this "tradeofff" type thing where one person plays and the other one mimics it, it was very cool, the cello player was awesome as well, very talented and really pumped people up, he would like stand on it then spin it around everywhere which really got us excited.
*JET- My Favorite performance there, It was a close call with the vines, but Jets songs seemed to really click with me there, and the drummer rocked out He tossed the drumstick And it bounced off like 3 peoples hands and landing into..................... *drummroll* I CAUGHT THE FRICKIN DRUMSTICK OF JET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SO ECSTATIC I MEAN HOLY SHIZ WHAT ARE THE ODDS!?!?!?!! Out of all the people there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*The Vines- Were Crazy!!! A lot of people left though, But i was going all out, thrashin and headbanging to the max, a lot of people were comin up to me and wanted to mosh around, it was fun, I was prolly the craziest person there, which is something to be proud of. Craig was tearing the stage to shreds, then after the left the stage, ian and tyler was like Cmon lets go. and I said they'll come back out, and they did. and were even better then before. Damn my neck hurts.
We stood out and waited to get autographs, I managed to get the guitarist of jets. I was goin to get the drummer of The Living Ends, But He was Stupid and stayed in one frickin place signing like 30 things for this one dude, then he left.
I came home happy, really happy, and tired, really tired. =)