Happy (belated) New Years

Jan 02, 2005 03:54

disclaimer: this is a double post on my LJ and my xanga (due to
multiple complaints from xanga-ers who dont want to travel to my LJ,
ill post this long post here...lazy bastards)

1st of all: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!! i hope, for those of you who's
year of 2004 sucked, you have a better year in 2005; of course, for
those of you who's year of 2004 kick major ass, i hope 2005 isn't a
disappointment (yes i realize im about 4 hours late on wishing you a
happy new year...deal with it)

2nd of all: Sam is THE MOST WONDERFUL PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE!! and i want to thank her for giving me the chance i don't deserve...

3rd of all: New Year's Resolutions:
1- don't fuck this one up like the last one
2- grow a spine
3- don't super-procrastinate (ie don't wait til 2 am to START my hw...)
4- sleep more
5- get a job...yeah, i need one of those...
6- study for the ACT and SAT...and don't fall short of what I'm capable of...again
7- be a little bit more serious
8- quit trying to help everyone...it's a lost cause
9- be more optimistic
10- play less computer games
11- keep my room clean....er
12- remember things better (yeah you know im bad at that)
13- finish everything i start
14- figure out what women want (yeah, i know it's not gonna happen)
15- figure out what I want (prolly wont happen either)
16- quit pulling all-nighters...damn you IB lol
17- get the courage to tell people what i really think about them (to their face(s))
18- spend more time with Sam
19- spend more time with non-Sam friends
20- quit thinking so much
21- rely on my gut instincts more
22- survive IB
23- keep a B or get an A in Calculus...
24- keep my grades up/improve on them
25- vent my thoughts more often, instead of building everything up inside until i explode

4th thing: I want to apologize for my lack of updating for a long time now (especially on xanga). I've been too busy either a. playing games or b. doing hw to spend the quality time with you guys or telling you guys (and girls) about my life. You are the greatest bunch of people I have ever met, and I'm looking forward to the next 5 months (seniors...) or more which each and every one of you.

5th thing: uhhh...school in about 28 hours...and we're screwed on our English group presentation (its supposed to last 50 minutes...not gonna happen i dont think (eventhough i know we'll pull through somehow)) bad news bears guys

6th thing: its 4 am, I'm sleepy...gnight everyone

Have a good year everyone

P.S. Sam is more wonderful
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