Sep 14, 2007 10:47


He is the most inconsiderate person alive and I hate him so much! I really wanted to go up to him and say, "I have a shovel and no one is going to miss you at 3 am." But since that would be considered as a death threat, I didn't.

Yesterday, I was scheduled to do the order. When there was only two of us, I was on the floor helping that asshole out. Once Ashley came in, I was back out, doing the order and it was a HUGE order to put away. Then, he comes up to me and says, "Can you do a quick bus for me?" I just did it so I could get back to the order ... then I needed to do a garbage run. I continue putting away the order and then he comes up to me again and says, "I need you to do the dishes." WTF?! He is such an ass because he wasn't doing anything! He was just standing there, doing nothing! I said something about me being off at 5 and he said, "Either you take your break and go home at 5.30 or you don't take your break and help us out."

I told him, "There is no time! Either I leave early and continue on the order or I stay here and you have a very angry Kaytee on your hands. Either way, you stay out of my way and let me do my thing." He saying that he doesn't have time for the dishes and what not then he starts doing them. I tell him to stay out of my way again and get the dishes done in 3 minutes. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO DO DISHES IN BETWEEN CUSTOMERS?!

So yesterday, I ended up working through my half hour break and staying until 5.30 >.< And I didn't even get the whole order away ... Stupid asshole.

He wasn't even supposed to be a shift supervisor. I hate the fact that he made shift. He should be fired ... I didn't even tell you what happened with him two Sundays ago!

Ok, so this is what happened: He got his dad to call in for him, saying that he has a really high fever and whatnot. Fine, he was sick. We couldn't get someone to cover his shift so Chase (the really good shift) had to stay and postpone his dinner plans for later that evening. Chase had talked to Kendra and it turns out that he had called her the Saturday before and said, "Hey Kendra, I have a casting call on Sunday and I am supposed to work, can you cover my shift for me?"

WTF?! How can you have that kinda disregard for your job?! I don't care if you have a fucking casting call! YOU COME INTO WORK FIRST! I know that casting calls can come up suddenly, but this one, he had known about for a long time! See, I think that if he would have called us and told us the truth, then I would be so pissed but he fucking lied to us!

AND HE DIDN'T GET FIRED! We are so short staffed for shift supervisors that we can't fire him. I think that once I am made shift (I found out that I will be a shift) and Lisa (who I adore) is made shift, then we will be able to rid our store of him. I really hope so because he is just so horrible.

.... I am going to go and GRR at stuff now.
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