(no subject)

Apr 21, 2008 01:29

This weekend was a pretty good one, especially considering my week was shot to hell.

On Friday I got up bright 'n' early (like 9) and then went down to do an overweight study and got $10 for answering some form questions.:D I also found out that I've lost 10 pounds since Spring Break (if what I have down on my Excel sheet is what it was over SB)!!!

I then proceeded to go to CVS for some stuff, and on the way back, stopped at Starbucks and got a Vanilla Blended Creme Frappuccino, which is basically a milkshake.XD Then I did some work at the library, went home and crocheted for a bit downstairs. I even had the screen door open because the weather was so nice! Later, I baked a cake (it was interesting as I substituted applesauce for eggs (squiiiishy) and made a cinnamon sugar glaze).^^

Saturday was quite awesome. I did some work and then at 1:30 went over for Shoujo Day. We watched some Utena and crack Hayate no Gotoku. Then at 6, Marielle, Melissa and one of my future roommates Sarah headed over to Westcott, which is this kind of awesome funky area. We ate at Alto Cinco, which was DELICIOUS (in part because it was Mexican^^) --they had sweet potato fries! Then we hit a really cozy bookstore and some vintage shops which were fun to look at.:D

Today I got groceries and talked to my family. I also forgot about tutoring until my tutoree called me.^^;; I came back home after that, and worked some more. Whoo.

I also just found out that I didn't completely fail my Writing paper. Yay!

...I think I smell pot? (It's not cigarette smoke, I know that much...)


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