In response to bourgeois
complaints regarding the lack of activity here, I have decided to launch a new series dubbed as The Orwell Prophesies®, a bombastic collection of politically-charged diatribes whose ostensible purpose is to stir up controversy and hopefully stimulate the interest of even the most languid elements of our membership (e.g.
mortimor, who can only be cajoled from his e-torpor by spouting liberal, anti-fascist propaganda on an internet forum). The real objective, however, is to create a new platform for conspiracy theory fanaticism in order to plug an ideology of complete and utter paranoia. With a few well-chosen phrases and a sufficient dose of methylphenidate, I will eventually incite a plebian revolt against World Government and its sinister plot to imprison, enslave, or otherwise repress 85% of the population by the year 2050. And if I fail to exhort my audience to accept these rather absurd and preposterous views, I can always resort to shocking imagery and eerie juxtapositions.
Welcome to my world, lowly peasants of the New World Order.
The timing of this little treatise couldn't be more apropos, in light of the fact that today's date - September 11, 2004 - marks the third anniversary of Government-Sponsored Terrorism leading to the Abolition of Civil Liberties Day, an exercise in the Hegelian dialect of problem-reaction-solution. First, the government exploits or even orchestrates an act of terror upon its own people - okay, we've got that covered. Next, the blame is shifted to some foreign power or political faction, creating a military imperative for retaliation. A "State of National Emergency" is declared, tantamount to martial law, which allows the government increased latitude in exercising its authority over the populace. They are told it is necessary to relinquish their individual freedoms to prevent against further attacks, that everyone should unite under a collective "groupthink" mentality that will render them virtually impervious to foreign infiltration. Anyone deviating from that mentality is labeled an outsider, a terrorist, an enemy combatant if you will.
"You're either with us or against us", they say.
With the right conditioning, the general population will readily accept new policies which diminish civil liberties, eliminate checks and balances on government authority, increase military involvement in civilian affairs, and set the precedent for "preemptive" strikes against perceived threats to national security.
How do I know this, you ask? My omniscience is self-evident, but I will provide you with the proof you require as a nod to propositional logic.
1. Historical Precedent
Northwoods Document - U.S. planned to hijack passenger jets and blame it on Cuba back in 1962
World Trade Center Bombing of 1993
Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995
2. Prior Knowledge
The Army's online news service reported in November, 2000 that the Pentagon conducted a mass casualty exercise simulating an attack by a suicide hijacker flying a passenger jet into the Pentagon building.
Salmon Rushdie was banned from air travel on 9/11, as admitted by the FAA. Also, Major Willie Brown was warned the evening before not to fly on 9/11.
G.W. Bush signed secret national security order No. W199-eye threatening FBI agents with arrest if they refused to drop their investigations of Al-Qaeda.
3. Government Collusion with Terrorists
CIA section chief met with Bin Laden for ten days in Dubai during the month of July, 2001
Reports of suspected terrorists training at flight schools in Minnesota, Arizona, and Fort Worth, Texas were either ignored or else suppressed by the FBI.
4. The Collapse of WTC buildings was rigged
Those pesky Laws of Physics confound globalist warmongers every time. According to several well-respected publications, munitions experts and structural engineers, Building 7 of the World Trade Center could only have collapsed under professional demolition charges, especially since it had imploded in a symmetrical fashion. The collapse of the other buildings was called into question as well.
5. Advanced Preparation for War
A few months before 9/11, Indian and Pakistani diplomats reported that U.S. Special forces had amassed in Tajikhistan in preparation for a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan.
6. The Profit Incentive
As one of the largest defense contractors in the world, the Carlyle group stood to gain from an ongoing military offensive in the middle east, not to mention the fact that its senior shareholder is none other than our beloved G.W. Bu$h. Following 9/11, the Carlyle group pushed its way to the forefront of the defense and security market and is now the leading defense contractor in the world.
On February 12, 1998, John J. Maresca, the vice-president of Unicol, testified before the House that a single, unified government must in control of Afghanistan before a trans-Afghan pipeline could be constructed to tap Central Asian oil reserves. By 2002, the puppet regime had been installed and the World Bank finally announced that it would fund the Afghan pipeline. Let us not forget that our good friend Dick Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000.
And believe me folks, that is only the tip of the iceburg. Stay tuned for our next installment of The Orwell Prophesies® or you may one day find yourself here:
Have a great day.