"You Can't Teach an Old Vampire New Tricks" - drabble - Spike/Wesley, rated G, set in AtS s5

Aug 09, 2004 14:44

Crazy, crazy, crazy weekend. Crazy. Very social, not enough sleep, huge backlog of e-mail and LJ. Today? Just as crazy. Me? Cr- Well, you can probably guess. ;)

But here's a drabble for open_on_sunday. This week's theme is patterns.

"You Can't Teach an Old Vampire New Tricks"
Spike/Wesley, rated G, set sometime in AtS s5

The way to avoid repeating his previous heartbreaks, Spike reasoned, was to change the pattern of his love life.

The people he usually fell for were lean and attractive, good in a fight, somewhat unpredictable, and kind of scary. All fine enough traits, but Dru and Buffy had also loved Angel first. That - and falling in love so fast - was his problem.

He'd just have to find someone who wasn't in love with Angel and not fall head-over-heels. How hard could it be?

Then Wesley smiled as he walked by, and Spike felt a familiar jolt in his stomach.



fic: drabbles, fic: all my fic, fic: angel (ats), pairing: spike/wesley

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