"Real Men" - drabble, rated G, set in BtVS s5

Apr 04, 2004 21:32

This week's open_on_sunday challenge is to write a drabble based on the title of a Tori Amos song. Mine features Xander and Giles, but sadly not slashily... though I suppose there could be slashy subtext if you want to read it that way. Isn't there always? ;)

"Real Men"
rated G, set in BtVS s5

"Xander, would you please give me a hand with some of the equipment?" Giles asked from the doorway to the training room.

Buffy looked up. "Want some help?"

"Nah. You're not the only one with muscles," Xander said, following Giles.

"Let's move this first." Giles gestured to the pommel horse.

"Where do you wa-aaaagh!" Xander sprang backwards. "What was that?"

"I believe it was a very large rat."

"It ran behind the couch. Want me to scare it out so you can hit it with an ax?"

"Wouldn't you rather kill it?"

They glanced at each other before calling, "Buffy!"


fic: drabbles, fic: all my fic, fic: buffy the vampire slayer (btvs)

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