Wonder Woman!

Jun 07, 2017 13:35

I took myself to see Wonder Woman this morning, because I really want to support it in the theater and because it's the last full week of school, so it seems unlikely I'll have a chunk of time to go the movies again for at least a month.

So! Wonder Woman!

I liked it! I liked the reboot of Ghostbusters better, which made me feel like I was walking on air when I left the theater, but I'm so glad this movie exists!

I loved the Amazons (of course). I loved the fight scenes and the effects, which were stunning and yet not so fast-moving/fast-cutting that I couldn't follow the action. I liked that Diana wasn't played for laughs like a female Thor, totally out of her element in society, which would have made her feel more infantilized. I liked some of the plot twists, like Remus Lupin being the god of war, which I saw coming but which at least was not as totally obvious as the German guy. I passionately loved Gal Godot and her little forehead wrinkle; I'd worried she'd look too frail for the part, but she was kick-ass, expressive, and - obviously - gorgeous.

I had a few things that bothered me and made me less happy than I had been about Ghostbusters: the lack of proper female characters beyond Diana for the vast majority of the movie and the trope bingo romance with Steve, which I think would not have annoyed me nearly so much if Diana had had other women to talk to. I mean, I honestly don't need a romance in this movie, but I liked him well enough, and I got the gender inversion of many of the tropes. I just would have liked more sides of Diana than fighting and talking to Steve. Also, what was the narrative point of the female doctor person? Would she not have been a more interesting god of war? Or at least could we have understood her motivations, please?

But mostly I am a thousand percent happy to be there for a woman standing up and saying "No, fuck that, I'm doing what I think is right"

Now can we PLEASE have a Black Widow movie??

This entry was originally posted at http://flaming-muse.dreamwidth.org/621113.html. Feel free to comment on either site.


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