Moving forward

Apr 28, 2017 18:47

So I know it's been *mumblety mumblety years* forever since I've posted any fic, and I'm not happy about it. There are a lot of reasons that I'm not posting, including that part of the reason I wrote so very much fic for Glee was the fun of playing in canon as it unfolded, and obviously there isn't new canon anymore. I have lots of headcanons (for both actual canon and for my Near Misses 'verse), but it's hard for me to feel like they're necessary, I guess. I play with ideas in my head all the time, but I don't want to write them. It's an odd thing.

Still, I miss it. I miss playing with words, and I miss playing with fandom. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I just can't protect such large blocks of time as I used to for writing with my current schedule, so I've been re-learning how to write in much smaller chunks. It tends to be hard for me to settle into writing, which is why I like those large blocks; having a half hour requires a lot more discipline to make myself open up to words. I'm doing it, though. It's getting easier as I go, too. I've got four works in progress that I'm playing with (one Glee, one Check Please!, one Parks and Rec, and one Captive Prince), and day by day I'm pulling them into shape.

It feels good. It feels good to get words out, and it feels good to give myself permission to play in new fandoms. It feels good to do things badly and not feel pressure to boot stories out the door. It feels good to see progress day by day, to solve problems, to frown at a paragraph, to fiddle with a dialogue tag.

None of these fics is going to change the world, but they make my world better, and that's a good thing.

So I'm moving forward. :)

(And a little reminder that Dreamwidth is now my default journal.)

writing grumbling

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