Drive-by vid rec

May 28, 2016 11:49

Stargate: Atlantis: "Soccer Practice"

I just got really, really nostalgic for SGA watching this vid. I'm thrilled that so many SGA writers I love have ended up in MCU, so I can share another fandom with them, because as much as I loved SGA's dorky nonsense, the fic that came out of that fandom is some of my favorite ever. It also made me adore John Sheppard even when the John on my screen was sometimes incomprehensible to me without their help. So many amazing writers writing about really interesting things.

When I think about how times have changed in the decade-plus I've been in fandom, SGA fandom's focus on DADT and what it meant for gays in the military always strikes me. So much meaningful fic came out of that topic... and now DADT is gone, thank goodness, and John can just do what/who he wants. :)

recs: vids, i heart fandom (sometimes with irony)

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